Monday 31 October 2016

BSOP 588 Managing Quality Complete Course & Final Exam Devry

BSOP 588 Managing Quality

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Week 1

DQ 1) Definition of Quality
Part 1: How do you define Quality? Provide a definition of quality, support your definition, and define the stakeholders who are affected by your quality definition. Note: as you progress through this course, you will be focusing in more on your personal definition of quality.
Part 2: Search out some definitions of quality (use websites, visits to retail stores, your own industry, etc.) and look to see how close such definitions of quality link to your own definitions of quality. Given our discussion in class, what do you see that is good or not so good about the definitions of quality that you researched? Lastly, do you see the traits of quality present in the definitions of quality you researched?
DQ 2) Quality in Your Organization
Identify the type of industry and size of the organization that you work for or have in the past (for example, service < 500 employees).  Describe that organization’s Quality Management Philosophy and also describe its approach to managing it.  How effective did you think this Quality Management Philosophy was in helping the company?

Week 2

DQ 1) Quality Philosophies
Explain what a quality management philosophy is and then identify which quality guru (Deming, Juran, Crosby, etc.) best fits your organization’s quality management philosophy. Also, be sure to explain why you feel this way.
DQ 2) Quality Awards
In the Doc Sharing area, find the file labeled “Quality Awards List,” choose an award from it and research it on the website. Provide some background on what your chosen award process is and list the advantages and disadvantages of the award. Identify whether it links to any of the quality management gurus’ philosophies (Deming, Juran, Crosby, etc). Also, be sure to explain why you feel this way.
BSOP 588 Week 2 Course Project:
BSOP 588 Week 2 Project Proposal (Toyota Motor Corporation)

Week 3

DQ 1) The Voice of the Customer (VOC)
Listening to the Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a very important part of business excellence and a key to long term sustainability. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of practicing this effectively. Also comment on your organization’s ability to listen to the VOC and act upon the feedback.
DQ 2) The Kano Model
After reviewing the Kano Model tutorial and readings from the text, explain why the Kano Model works so well. Also provide two examples from your organization on the Kano Model in practice. Note: your examples can be from a poor use of the Kano Model as well. The Kano Model of Customer Satisfaction Tutorial
BSOP 588 Week 3 Assignments:
Paper; Measuring Customer Service – MCS (Jan 2013)
Paper; Measuring Customer Satisfaction (July 2014)

Week 4

DQ 1) Quality Focus
If your organization listed that QUALITY and FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER together was a number-one priority, what types of leadership/employee behaviors would you expect to see to make this successful? Please be specific in your responses.
DQ 2) Alignment of Strategy and Quality Mgmt.
Review Johnson & Johnson’s “Our Credo” on their website’s home page and look closely at the first few sentences in each of the first four paragraphs. This is their list of values and priorities. Discuss what effects this type of focus has on quality management within an organization.  Can you see how the company’s stated strategy, vision and values would impact the daily operations and behaviors of it’s employees?  Provide some examples in your discussion.

BSOP 588 Week 4 Midterm Exam


Page 1
Question (TCO A) Compare and contrast the evolution of quality and the role it played in the management of U.S. and Japanese business firms from the 1950s to the present.
Question (TCO B) Compare and contrast the following definitions of quality. Definition 1: Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs. Definition 2: Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
Question (TCO A) Explain the three core principles of total quality.
Question (TCO H) Identify and discuss five differences between service and manufacturing organizations.
Question (TCO B) Cite two ways that the accounting function can contribute to the achievement of quality.
Question (TCO C) Deming states that knowledge is not possible without theory, and experience alone does not establish a theory. Explain this statement as it applies to management decision making.
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Question (TCO G) Cite three ways that middle management can impede an organization’s transition towards a total quality environment. Why is it important that middle management be supportive of a total quality initiative?
Question (TCO H) Identify and discuss the five key dimensions of service quality.
Question (TCO D) The criteria for Performance Excellence for the Malcolm Baldrige award consist of a hierarchical set of categories, items, and areas to address. Which of the following four is NOT one of them?
Question (TCO E) “Moments of truth” are instances when:
Question (TCO F) The ability of an organization to change in order to deal with increasingly hyper-turbulent environments is referred to as:
Question (TCO A) The finance function is responsible for:
(TCO A) Discuss how a fast-food restaurant could measure its quality effectiveness using each of the following definitions of quality: product-based, user-based, value-based, and manufacturing-based.
(TCO B) Explain each of the following statements as they apply to modern quality management.
(TCO A) Explain the three core principles of total quality.
(TCO H) Discuss how front-line employees are critical to customer assessment of service quality. Identify the challenges faced by front-line employees.
(TCO B) Cite two ways that the accounting function can contribute to the achievement of quality.
(TCO C) Deming states that knowledge is not possible without theory, and experience alone does not establish a theory. Explain this statement as it applies to management decision making.
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(TCO A) Contrast the mindset of management under total quality and more traditional management structures with respect to employees, manufacturing, and leadership.
 (TCO B) Explain each of the following statements as they apply to modern quality management. a. Customer service is the rule, not the exception. b. The absence of defects is a given rather than a source of competitive advantage.
(TCO A) Describe the relationship between quality and personal values.
(TCO H) Identify and discuss five differences between service and manufacturing organizations.
(TCO B) Cite two ways that the accounting function can contribute to the achievement of quality.
(TCO C) Compare and contrast the quality philosophies of Deming and Juran.
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(TCO G) Discuss the concept of best practices and their effect on quality management success.
(TCO H) Identify and discuss the five key dimensions of service quality. Given an example of a service and describe how a customer may define quality along each of these dimensions.
(TCO D) The criteria for Performance Excellence for the Malcolm Baldrige award consist of a hierarchical set of categories, items, and areas to address. Which of the following four is NOT one of them?
(TCO E) According to Kano’s classification of customer requirements, a cup of coffee that is served hot and fresh at a restaurant specializing in breakfasts fits which class of customer requirements?
(TCO F) Characteristics of effective strategic leadership include all of the following EXCEPT:
(TCO A) General-purpose financial statements are the product of:

Week 5

DQ 1) Performance Metrics
Discuss why organizations need to have the correct performance metrics to drive quality. Think of examples in the news and their outcomes. For example:
• Toyota and the recalls
• BP and the Gulf oil disaster
• NASA and the Space Shuttle disasters
What behaviors were being driven by their metrics? Identify whether they were the correct behaviors or the wrong behaviors.
DQ 2) Cost of Quality (COQ)
An organization has the following breakdown for cost of quality:
• Prevention              22%
• Appraisal                30%
• Internal Failures     33%
• External Failures   15%
Use your critical thinking skills and discuss what you can deduce from this data. Please think about both behaviors and processes and linkage to the quality management program.
BSOP 588 Week 5 Assignment::
BSOP 588 Quality in Practice; Using the Balanced Scorecard at the USPS-1
BSOP 588 Quality in Practice; Using the Balanced Scorecard at the USPS-2

Week 6

DQ 1) Six Sigma and Lean Principles
What are the differences between Six Sigma and Lean Principles? What effect does upper management commitment have on the success of either of these processes?
DQ 2) Applying Lean and Six Sigma Principles
Identify some of the key processes that need improvement in your organization associated with the following: sale, marketing, customer service, supply chain management, human resources, manufacturing, etc.
What types of Lean Principles and/or Six Sigma initiatives could you use to rectify these problems?  Explain why you think they would work best

Week 7

DQ 1) Statistical Process Control (SPC)
What is Statistical Process Control? What are the advantages and disadvantages of SPC? Identify two or three applications in your organization that could benefit from Statistical Process Control.
DQ 2) Capability vs. Control
What does statistical control mean?  What is the difference between capability and control?  Why should we care about each of these? What is the difference between repeat ability and reproducibility?  Please provide examples for each.
BSOP 588 Week 7 Course Projects:
Project Paper; Implementing Quality Initiatives (General Electric)
Project Paper; Implementing Quality Initiatives (Toyota Motor Corporation)

BSOP 588 Week 8 Final Exam

BSOP 588 SET 1
Page: 1
Question: (TCO E) Determining how customers will value your products can be assessed by all of the following EXCEPT:
Question: (TCO D) All of the following are stages in developing an improvement plan EXCEPT:
Question: (TCO C) Terms such as kanban, single-minute exchange of dies, and visual controls are most closely associated with:
Question: (TCO C) Which one of the following would not be a primary step in the poka-yoke process?
Question: (TCO B) _____ measures are generally tracked by senior leadership to gauge overall organizational performance.
Question: (TCO I) The cost associated with unplanned machine downtime, when operators halt the production line after identifying an unacceptably high rate of defective output, should be classified as:
Question: (TCO A) Lean approaches focus on:
Question: (TCO B) Robert Kaplan and David Norton developed a balanced scorecard which had four perspectives. Which one of the following is NOT one of them?
Question: (TCO D) ISO 9000 requires that all the elements required for a quality system, such as control processes, measuring and test equipment, and other resources needed to achieve the required quality of conformance, be documented in a _____, which serves as a permanent reference for implementing and maintaining the system.
Question: (TCO H) Determining the most likely causes of defects occurs during which DMAIC phase?
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Question: (TCO B) Explain why it is difficult to obtain a single, universal definition of quality. Be specific in your response.
Question: (TCO I) Identify three aspects of managing and using performance data so that it is useful to the organization. Provide an example of each aspect. Be specific in your response.
Question: (TCO G) Discuss how the corporate culture is displayed and its role on quality management behavior. Please provide multiple examples.
Question: (TCO F) What could be the reason(s) for failed quality management strategies?
Question: (TCO H) Explain the process of design failure mode and effects analysis and describe how it could be applied to the cashier checkout stand at a supermarket. Make sure you provide at least three examples.
Question: (TCO C) Some have argued the Six Sigma programs are merely repackaged versions of older quality improvement programs that originally accompanied TQM initiatives in the 1980s. Present arguments both support and refute this view. Make sure you link your discussion with examples of the older quality improvement programs (i.e. Deming, Juran, and so forth).
BSOP 588 SET 2
Multiple Choice
Question: (TCO E) Suggested reasons why many customer satisfaction efforts fail include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question: (TCO D) The Six-Sigma problem solving approach contains the phases of:
Question: (TCO C) Terms such as “kanban”, “single minute exchange of dies”, and “visual controls” are most closely associated with:
Question: (TCO C) Poka-yoke focuses on two aspects:
Question: (TCO B) _____ measures are generally tracked by senior leadership to gauge overall organizational performance.
Question: (TCO I) The cost of purchasing copies of a textbook on quality for employees as part of their training program in process improvement methods is considered:
Question: (TCO A) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Six Sigma project?
Question: (TCO B) A set of financial, market, operational, and employee performance measures for management review and use is an example of:
Question: (TCO D) The Baldrige Award criteria, as a tool for self-assessment:
Question: (TCO H) Focusing on how to maintain improvements occurs in which DMAIC phase?
Essay Type
Question: (TCO B) Explain why it is difficult to obtain a single, universal definition of quality. Be specific in your response.
Question: (TCO I) What criterion is used to classify a failure cost as “internal” versus “external”? Give three examples of an internal failure cost and three examples of an external failure cost.
Question: (TCO G) Discuss the three major reasons why companies adopt total quality. Also, discuss the initial key steps are involved in the adoption process.
Question: (TCO F) Explain in detail why change is necessary in organizations. Describe the effects that change can have on quality management with respect to employee commitment and quality levels.
Question: (TCO H) Describe the six basic steps required to build the House of Quality. Describe, in general, where in the House are customer and technical requirements located. Also explain why it is important that each area of the House is “linked” with the others.
Question: (TCO C) Some have argued the Six Sigma programs are merely repackaged versions of older quality improvement programs that originally accompanied TQM initiatives in the 1980s. Present arguments that both support and refute this view. Make sure you link your discussion with examples of the older quality improvement programs (i.e. Deming, Juran, etc)