Monday 31 October 2016

BSOP 434 Logistics Complete Course DQs Labs & Final Exam Devry

BSOP 434 Logistics Complete Course (2 Sources)

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Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1
Why do inventories cost so much to maintain? Provide some examples of how cost is associated with carrying an inventory. Is there anything we can do to lower this cost, and if so, what? In addition to the question above, explain how excess inventories can erode profitability.
Week 1 DQ 2
Discuss why supply chain management (SCM) has become so important. Identify companies that have a well known SCM system. Do these companies have anything in common when it comes to their implementation of SCM? Can you identify and define four (4) attributes of Supply Chain Management?
Week 1 Homework Questions
2. Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility.
4. Why do contemporary supply chains need to be fast and agile?
8. Discuss some of the ways that inventory can be reduced in the supply chain.
5. Distinguish between a fixed order quantity and fixed order interval system. Which one generally requires more safety stock? Why?
9. What are implications of the JIT approach for supply chain management?
BSOP 434 Week 1 Lab Assignment (Source 1)

Week 2

Week 2 DQ 1
How can a transportation manager take advantage of trade-offs between price and service? As a transportation manager, when would you want to take advantage of these trade-offs?
Week 2 DQ 2
How can a transportation manager take advantage of trade-offs between price and service? As a transportation manager, when would you want to take advantage of these trade-offs?
Week 2 Homework
  • 1. Why is transportation important to a firm’s supply chain operations?
  • 2. Why is it important to know about the characteristics of a country’s transportation infrastructure?
  • 3. Discuss the factors that influence the number of facilities that a firm chooses to operate.
  • 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to locating manufacturing, assembly, or distribution facilities in countries with relatively low wages.
  • 5. What quality-of-life considerations do you think are the most important for locational decisions? Why?
BSOP 434 Week 2 Lab Assignment Aero Marine Logistics (AML) 

Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1
What type of functional and perceptual benefits do labeling and packaging provide to the consumer? What are the two emerging trends in packaging and why are they important?
Week 3 DQ 2
What role has technology had in order processing? What are some of the key technology elements that you see in your daily shopping? What do you think will be the next big technology development in order processing?
Week 3 Assignments:
Week 3 Homework Questions and Answers

Week 3 Quiz (2 Sets)

Week 3 Overview of Logistics Quiz – Version 1
  1. (TCO 2) Which of the following are not key attributes of supply chain management? (Points : 3)
  2. (TCO 2) Sorting customers into groups with similar logistical needs and wants and then providing them with the service appropriate to those needs and wants is known as: (Points : 3)
  3. (TCO 2) The current Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) model identifies ____________ key processes associated with supply chain management. (Points : 3)
  4. (TCO 2) Cooperative supply chain relationships developed to enhance the overall business performance of both parties is a definition of: (Points : 3)
  5. (TCO 1) The EOQ determines:
  6. (TCO 1) The reorder point (ROP) is defined as the:
  7. (TCO 1) A commonly used estimate for inventory carrying costs is ____.
  8. (TCO 3) A transportation manager who purchases a prespecified level of transportation services, regardless of the mode(s) and/or carrier(s) providing the transportation services, is known as a(n):
  9. (TCO 3) Based on cost, speed, and capacity, which of the following modes is most suitable for high-value, low-volume products (may be perishable or otherwise require urgent delivery)?
  10. (TCO 3) Which mode was not the best or worst on any of the six attributes (e.g., capability, flexibility, etc.) used to compare the modes?
  11. (TCO 4) What is a free trade zone? What functions might be performed in it?
  12. (TCO 3) What are the five modes of transportation a firm can use?
  13. (TCO 6) What is order management?
  14. (TCO 5) What is package monitoring?

Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1
What is the relationship between purchasing and procurement? Discuss three potential procurement objectives. Describe the relevance of the procurement process in a logistics system
Week 4 DQ 2
What is the relationship between purchasing and procurement? Discuss three potential procurement objectives. Describe the relevance of the procurement process in a logistics system
Week 4 Assignments:
BSOP 434 Week 4 Homework Questions and Answers (Source 1,2)
BSOP 434 Week 4 Lab Assignment Easing Ira s Ire (Source 1,2)

Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1
Discuss how accountants and logistic professions differ in terms of their approach to inventory control. Provide an example of how each would measure a company’s inventory.
Week 5 DQ 2
In logistical terms, what does system analysis refer to? What is the difference between a partial systems analysis and a comprehensive systems analysis?
Week 5 Homework Questions:
Question 3: Name the six general types of information management systems, and give one logistics application for each one that you’ve 
Question 2: What is activity-based costing (ABC)? What are the five steps of the ABC process?
Question 17: Describe the two issues that managers face with respect to computer and data security.
Question 3: What are the differences between a centralized and a decentralized logistics department?
Week 5 Labs
BSOP 434 Week 5 Lab Assignment Cycle Counting and Logistics Systems ( 4 Sources)

Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1
Explain why transport rates typically vary by 1) the weight of the shipment; 2) the distance a shipment is transported; and 3) the value of the transport service. Provide an example of how these variables affect a shipping rate.
Week 6 DQ 2
Contrast qualitative, historical projection, and causal forecasting models. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these models?

Week 6 Assignments:
Week 6 Homework Answers:

BSOP 434 Week 6 Traffic Management & Forecasting – Quiz 1 (2 Sets )
  1.  (TCO 7) The _____________ recognizes U.S. organizations for their achievements in quality and performance.
  2. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a typical task or objective associated with procurement?
  3. (TCO 7) The raw materials, component parts, and supplies bought from outside organizations to support a company’s operations define:
  4. (TCO 7) A focus on satisfying internal customers is associated with which procurement objective?
  5. (TCO 8) What is used in areas where dock workers cannot read but need a method to keep documents and shipments together?
  6. (TCO 8) Incoterms refer to:
  7. (TCO 8) A letter of credit ____.
  8. (TCO 10) What is the primary difference between pilferage and theft?
  9. (TCO 10) _________ refers to measurement that ensures conformity with an organization’s policies, procedures, and standards.
  10. (TCO 10) Skylights and large windows that incorporate solar energy can reduce energy usage in a warehouse between ____ and ____%.
  11. (TCO 9) What are the benefits of EDI?
  12. (TCO 10) What is the difference between centralized and decentralized logistics organizations? (Points : 5)
  13. (TCO 12) What is the relationship between demand management and order management? (Points : 5)
  14. (TCO 11) What are the three primary factors for determining rates? (Points : 5)

Week 7

Week 7 DQ 1
Discuss the differences between facility layouts for office, production, and warehouses. How does the layout of a warehouse impact the effectiveness and efficiency of a warehouse?
Week 7 DQ 2
Warehouse Management System
What is a warehouse management system (WMS)? What are the benefits and downfalls of a WMS in a warehousing operation?
Week 7 Assignments:
Week 7 Homework Answers (2 Sources)
BSOP 434 Week 7 Lab Assignment; Warehousing and Distribution (2 Sources)

BSOP 434 Week 8 Final Exam (2 Sources)

Page 1
  1. (TCO 10) ________ and ________ are the two basic organizational structures associated with logistics.
  2. (TCO 10) One problem with a _________ logistics structure is that, because logistics activities are scattered throughout the firm, they likely remain subservient to the objectives of the department in which they are housed.
  3. (TCO 3) Rate structures deal with three factors. Which of the following is not one of them?
  4. (TCO 3) A transportation manager who purchases a pre specified level of transportation services, regardless of the mode and/or carrier providing the transportation services, is known as a(n):
  5. (TCO 2) A function in organization that encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows, is termed:
  6. (TCO 2) Which of the following is not a key attribute of supply-chain management?
  7. (TCO 1) Inventory held for a number of reasons, including projected price increases, seasonal demand, and potential stockouts, is referred to as:
  8. (TCO 1) Vendor managed inventory (VMI) benefits include:
  9. (TCO 8) International freight forwarders can provide a number of functions. Which is not one of them?
  10. (TCO 8) What is used in areas where dock workers cannot read but need a method to keep documents and shipments together?
  11. (TCO 7) Which of the following statements is false?
  12. (TCO 7) The raw materials, component parts, and supplies bought from outside organizations to support a company’s operations define:
  13. (TCO 4) Logisticians and supply chain managers have a particular interest in ____ taxes.
Page 2
  1. (TCO 4) A brownfield is:
  2. (TCO 5) ____ regulates the packaging of international air shipments.
  3. (TCO 5) ____ systems consider the reverse flow of products, their reuse, and the marketing and distribution of recovered products.
  4. (TCO 6) The order cycle is:
  5. (TCO 6) Order transmittal is:
  6. (TCO 9) How do data and information differ?
  7. (TCO 9) Which of the following is not considered a general software package?
  8. (TCO 12) Surveys and analog techniques are examples of ____ forecasting.
  9. (TCO 12) Which forecasting techniques tend to be appropriate when there is little or no historical data?
  10. (TCO 11) A(n) ____ rate simplifies each of the three primary rate factors—product, weight, and distance.
  11. (TCO 11) The shipment size that equates transportation charges for different weights and weight groups is the ____ concept.
  12. (TCO 13) Throughput refers to:
  13. (TCO 13) ____ refers to a process where a product is received in a facility, occasionally married with a product going to the same destination, and is then shipped at the earliest time, without going into longer-term storage.
Page 3
  1. (TCO 4) What is a free trade zone?
  2. (TCO 9) Discuss some of the challenges associated with computer security.
  3. (TCO 9) Why are some companies hesitant to adopt RFID technology?
  4. (TCO 12) Forecasting accuracy refers to the relationship between actual and forecasted demand, and accuracy can be affected by various considerations. What is one of the challenges with the analog technique?
  5. (TCO 13) According to the text, what is contract warehousing?
  6. (TCO 14) What areas and/or activities are typically planned to be included into Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)?
  7. (TCO 3) How are carriers legally classified?
  8. (TCO 6) What is order management?
  9. (TCO 5) Compare and contrast the various handling characteristics associated with bulk cargoes.
  10. (TCO 6) Examine the various methods of order transmittal and differentiate the relevant characteristics of each one.
  11. (TCO 11) Compare and contrast the three primary factors for determining rates.

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