Tuesday 1 November 2016

BUSN 115 Introductions to Business & Technology Complete Course Devry

BUSN 115 Introductions to Business and Technology Complete Course

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Week 1

BUSN 115 Week 1 DQ 1: In What Manner is Wal-Mart Influencing America? (Graded)
Perform an Internet search on, “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” Read the introduction and the interviews sections of the PBS special. You can also visit Wal-Mart’s website via the course Webliography. Then let’s discuss in what manner Wal-Mart is influencing America.
  • Do Wal-Mart’s business practices raise or lower our standard of living? How? Why do you think this is so?
  • Is Wal-Mart’s business strategy fair and equitable to all parties? Why or why not?
BUSN 115 Week 1 DQ 2: Can Social Entrepreneurship Succeed? (Graded)
It is generally understood that social entrepreneurs are people with creative and innovative solutions for society’s problems. They are possessed by their ideas and are committed to changing society for the better. Perform an Internet search to read more about social entrepreneurs at the Skoll Foundation’s website. What are the risks for a social entrepreneur? Why? What are the benefits for a social entrepreneur? Why? What are the similarities and differences between business entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs? Why is this important to consider and discuss? Can social entrepreneurship be successful in our capitalistic society; if so, how? Why? If not, why not? What should be changed in our capitalistic society to assist social entrepreneurs in becoming successful? Why? Would strict capitalists recommend such changes in order to accommodate social entrepreneurs? Why? How?
BUSN 115 Week 1 Homework:
  • Prepare a two- to three-page paper in APA style, sixth edition format, that describes, explains, addresses, and answers the following questions or statements.
  • Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions (hurricane, flood, blizzard, forest fire, etc.)? Why? (9 points)
  • Describe and explain why a socialist system might be the best in responding to the needs of people struck by an emergency situation like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in January 2010. (9 points)
  • Use the laws of supply and demand to explain why the cost to heat our homes and businesses goes up in the winter time. Be sure to explain your answer fully. (9 points)
  • Include APA style in-text citations, as well as a reference section. (3 points)  

Week 2:

BUSN 115 Week 2 DQ 1 : International Trade or Stay Close to Home? (Graded)
Most of the world’s population lives outside the United States. However, many U.S. companies, especially small businesses, still do not engage in international trade. Why do you think this is the case? If you were a small business owner, would you want to engage in international trade? Why? Why not? What impact would your endeavors in international trade have on your business? Why?
BUSN 115 Week 2 DQ 2 : Industrialized Versus Developing (Graded)
The United States is considered to be an industrialized nation because we have such a high standard of living. Countries with lower standards of living are considered to be emerging or developing nations. What factors prevent developing countries from becoming developed? Why? What are the responsibilities of industrialized nations to developing nations in this regard? Why? What are the responsibilities of businesses in industrialized nations to businesses in developing nations? Are there any? Why? Why not?
BUSN 115 Quiz Week 2 :
(TCO 1) A partnership in which two more companies (sometimes from different countries) join to undertake a major project is called _____.
(TCO 3) A global strategy in which a licensor allows a licensee to produce its product in exchange for a royalty is
(TCO 3) The value of one nations currency relative to the currencies of other countries is known as _____.
BUSN 115  Week 2 Homework:
  • Prepare a two- to three-page paper in APA style, sixth edition format that describes, explains, addresses, and answers the following questions or statements.
  • What cultural factors must U.S. sports franchises overcome to increase popularity abroad? Why? (9 points)
  • How can franchises ensure their products are appropriate for international markets? (9 points)
  • Should governments protect their industries by placing tariffs on imported products? Why? Why not? (9 points)
  • Include APA-style in-text citations as well as a reference section. (3 points)
  • Homework submissions should be typed in Word. Use 1-inch margins with 12-point type and double spacing. Proper spelling, grammar, clarity, and APA style for a business report will be considered in addition to concepts as part of the final grade. Use subheadings to separate major sections or concepts. The final paper should be between 500 and 750 words and be two to three pages in length. Submit your paper as an attachment in the Dropbox. Remember, your submitted paper must be your own work with appropriate citations for your resources. Please be sure to include in-text (parenthetical) citations any time research is included, in APA format, as well as a list of references for all sources.
  • An essay is a composition that is intended to be an analytical, interpretative, original response about the topics and examples in question. An appropriate response should fully answer all questions. It should be organized, have a purpose, and contain examples to support the purpose. There should be a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Homework should be edited for grammar, spelling, typos, and correct punctuation. The writing style should demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and integrate multiple points of view, using vocabulary reflective of the topics discussed over the course of the week. 

Week 3:

BUSN 115 Week 3 DQ 1 : Socially Responsible (Graded)
Will there ever be a single set of international rules governing multinational companies? Why? Why not? In what way are United States businesses demanding socially responsible behavior from their international suppliers? Why is this important to discuss?
BUSN 115 Week 3 DQ 2 (Graded)
An acquaintance of yours in your class has just asked you if he or she could copy a paper you wrote for another instructor last semester. Chances seem good that last semesters instructor and your current course instructor dont talk with one another much. Given that, what are your alternatives? What are the consequences of each? Would this situation have been easier to resolve if you had asked yourself the three ethical test questions listed in this weeks assigned chapter? Why? Why not?
BUSN 115 Quiz Week 3:
  • (TCO 2) What is a document that protects a creators rights to materials such as books, articles, photos, paintings, and cartoons?
  • (TCO 2) Legal procedures initiated by a debtor who are unable to meet their financial obligations is called _____.
  • (TCO 2) The dimension of social responsibility that includes charitable donations is
BUSN 115 Week 3 Lessons from a Lemonade Stand Assignment:
You have decided to open a lemonade stand in your local neighborhood.You have grand plans for this stand and expect to attract many customers.In part I of this assignment, you will develop the basic premise of your new company.Please answer the following questions, utilizing the textbook, to ensure you apply the lesson we have learned in the previous weeks.
Develop a creative name for your Lemonade Stand, and then explain why a name is important when you are considering branding options?
Create a Mission Statement for your Lemonade Stand (Chapter 7), then explain why a mission statement is important for any company?
You are very involved in your community, please outline your CSR plan (Chapter 4) for your business.
The textbook lists many different types of pricing strategies, please pick one of these and explain how you will deliver on this strategy with your stand. (Chapter 14)
Even though you only sell to local customers, you understand that you could package your lemonade and sell it online globally. Evaluate whether or not the company should go global by creating an online presence and selling your lemonade online (Chapter 3).
You are to write roughly 750 words in answering all questions posted above for your Lemonade Stand. (Please note: you may list the questions in your paper and answer these in a step by step process, but the word count will only apply to your written words).
The paper needs to be written in an APA format and should have at least your textbook listed as a scholarly source in your bibliography. Please view the APA tutorial in your syllabus for more on how to format your paper. Your paper should include a cover page and running header as stipulated by APA formatting
BUSN 115 Week 3 Research Paper:
The United States has several laws that are intended to further fair, balanced, and competitive business practices. Do you think that such laws are effective? If so, why? If not, why not? Be sure to provide evidence to support your position one way or the other. Using the course shell, access the DeVry University library to research this topic a bit further. In addition, access the http://www.ftc.gov website for additional information and resources.
Include APA style in-text citations as well as a reference section.
Research papers should be typed in Word. Use 1-inch margins with 12-point type and double spacing. Proper spelling, grammar, clarity, and APA style for a business report will be considered in addition to concepts as part of the final grade. Use subheadings to separate major sections or concepts. The final paper should be between 750 and 1,500 words and three pages in length. Submit your paper as an attachment in the Dropbox. Remember, your submitted paper must be your own work with appropriate citations for your resources. Please be sure to include in-text (parenthetical) citations in APA format and a list of references for all sources.
An essay is a composition that is intended to be an analytical, interpretative, original response about the topics and examples in question. An appropriate response should fully answer all questions and develop the topic. It should be organized, have a purpose, and contain examples to support the purpose. There should be a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Homework should be edited for grammar, spelling, typos, and correct punctuation. The writing style should demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and integrate multiple points of view, using vocabulary reflective of the topics discussed in the course.
Make sure you support your conclusions and decisions with sound research and analysis from at least two sources. Your textbook can be a source. Explanations of your options and choices are an important part of your demonstration of your mastery of this proposal. Consider your plan from the point of view of a persuasive business proposal. 

Week 4:

BUSN 115 Week 4 DQ 1 : Ethical Considerations (Graded)
You’re thinking about starting your own chain of upscale, drive-through espresso stands. You have several ideal sites in mind, and you’ve analyzed the industry and all the important statistics. You have financial backing, and you really understand the coffee market. In fact, you’ve become a regular at a competitor’s operation for over a month. The owner thinks you’re his best customer. He even wants to name a sandwich creation after you. But you’re not there because you love the espresso. No, you’re actually spying. You’re learning everything you can about the competition so you can outsmart them. Is this behavior ethical? Explain your answer.
BUSN 115 Week 4 DQ 2 : A Small Business and Social Media (Graded)
You are the owner of a small business that provides repair services to various brands of vacuum cleaner units. Your store is independent in that you aren’t affiliated with a particular brand of vacuum cleaner. Based on your education and your newly earned undergraduate degree from DeVry University (but, of course), you’re considering expanding your marketing efforts by using social media. You wish to grow your business and feel that this is one area that might assist with your expansion ideas. Based on this information, discuss the use of social media in such a fashion. Use the following questions to further the discussion. Of course, add other questions as you see fit. Remember, if you provide information from other sources, be sure to cite your sources using APA style as your style guide.
BUSN 115 Quiz Week 4 :
Question 1. 1. (TCO 3) Which of the following is an example of a lifestyle business? (Points : 5)
Question 2. 2. (TCO 3) Which of the following is true regarding high-growth ventures? (Points : 5)
Question 3. 3. (TCO 3) Small companies tend to differ from large ones because _____. (Points : 5)
Question 4. 4. (TCO 3) _____ are expensive organizational products with a long useful life. (Points : 5)
Question 5. 5. (TCO 3) Absco computers introduced a low-cost, cloud-based storage service. The company adopted unit-based pricing for the product and many small businesses found the product to be very effective in reducing their storage costs. The sale of the product has increased swiftly in recent months and is at an all-time high. The product is presently in the _____ stage of product lifecycle. (Points : 5)
Question 6. 6. (TCO 3) People who monitor social media to spot shifts in consumer tastes are called _____. (Points : 5)
Question 7. 7. (TCO 4) Organizational purchasing differs from consumer purchasing in that organizational purchasing _____. (Points : 5)
Question 8. 8. (TCO 4) _____ refers to the increase in the value of a product with the number of customers who use it. (Points : 5)
Question 9. 9. (TCO 4) Creating new goods and services for a firm’s current markets is called _____. (Points : 5)
Question 10. 10. (TCO 4) Retailers differ from wholesalers in that retailers _____. (Points : 5)
Question 11. 11. (TCO 4) One of the valuable services that a wholesaler might perform is _____, in which it receives large shipments from the producer and then sells smaller quantities to retailers. (Points : 5)
Question 12. 12. (TCO 4) Producers rely on a class of intermediaries called value-added resellers (VARs) to assist with which of the following functions? (Points : 5)
Question 13. 13. (TCO 4) The government agency that has the authority to impose penalties against advertisers who violate federal standards for truthful advertising is the _____. (Points : 5)
Question 14. 14. (TCO 4) In _____, behaviorally targeted ads follow users even as they move on to other websites. (Points : 5)
Question 15. 15. (TCO 4) Institutional advertisements that present a company’s point of view on public issues, such as education or healthcare, are known as _____ advertising. (Points : 5)

BUSN 115 Midterm Study Guide:

  • Define importing and exporting.
  • Explain free trade.
  • Explain the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage.
  • Explain business, goods, services, and revenue.
  • Define and explain entrepreneurship.
  • Explain economics and resource development.
  • Summarize Adam Smiths theory.
  • Define and explain the various forms of business organization to include partnerships, franchising, and corporations.
  • Define and explain international and global marketing.
  • Explain the major concepts related to a small business startup to include business plans, venture capitalists, the SBA, the SBIC, and SCORE
  • Know the elements of a business plan.
  • Explain acquisition, LBO, and LLP.
  • Explain corporate policy and corporate responsibility.
  • Describe corporate social initiatives.
  • Define ethics.
  • Define CSR.
  • Describe insider trading.
  • Explain various interested stakeholders.
  • List and explain the steps to be considered when determining the ethics of an action.
  • Explain the differences between compliance- and integrity-based ethics codes.
  • Define balance of payments and balance of trade.
  • Describe common market, countertrading, and devaluation.
  • Identify and explain WTO, SWFs, NAFTA, and FDI.
  • Describe an embargo.
  • Describe and explain trade surplus, deficit, tariffs, a strategic alliance, and a multinational corporation.
  • Explain the steps to establish a new business.
  • Describe an intrapreneur.
  • Explain microloans and the management team.
  • Describe and explain GDP, communism, depression, recession, and capitalism.
  • Explain some of the reasons for the success and failure of small businesses.
  • Describe the forms of business ownership, know how they are used and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
  • Describe a franchise, and know its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Define a business merger.
  • Describe the purpose of a limited liability company.
  • Describe what advantages a small business may have when entering a foreign countrys market.
  • Describe what the difference is between privately and publicly owned businesses.
  • Describe the reasons why some people become entrepreneurs.
  • Explain the steps that should be taken in the buying of a franchise.
  • Describe and explain SCORE.
  • Describe the aspects of a limited liability company.

BUSN 115 Midterm Exam Week 4 :

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) The amount of money a business takes in during a given time period by selling goods and/or selling services. (Points : 5)
Question 2.2. (TCO 1) That part of economics that studies the operations of a nations economy as a whole. (Points : 5)
Question 3.3. (TCO 1) That part of economics that studies the behavior of people and organizations in particular markets. (Points : 5)
Question 4.4. (TCO 2) An unethical activity in which insiders use private company information to further their own fortunes or those of their family and friends. (Points : 5)
Question 5.5. (TCO 3) A complete ban on the import or export of a certain product, or the stopping of all trade with a country. (Points : 5)
Question 6.6. (TCO 3) An unfavorable balance of trade occurs when the value of a countrys imports exceeds that of its exports. (Points : 5)
Question 7.7. (TCO 4) Investors who provide money to finance new businesses or turnarounds in exchange for a portion of ownership, with the objective of reselling the business at a proft.(Points : 5)
1.(TCO 1) Describe and explain capitalism and how it functions in a free market economy. (Points : 30)
2.(TCO 2) Describe and explain corporate responsibility using an ethical perspective. Your stakeholder group for your answer is parents of high school students. Your company designs, produces, and sells video game apps for the mobile market. A concern has been raised in the community where your company is located about the violence portrayed in your mobile video game apps. What do you say to the parents? Why? (Points : 30)
3.(TCO 3) Describe and explain the fundamentals of the international market. Why do nations trade and how trade measured. (Points : 30)
4.(TCO 4) Outline the three ways an entreprenuer can start the business discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the three. (Points : 25)

Week 5:

BUSN 115 Week 5 DQ 1 : Communication: In a Promotional Way, of Course (Graded)
What kinds of problems can emerge if a firm doesn’t communicate with environmentalists, the news media, and the local community? Why? Do you know of any firms that aren’t responsive to your community? If so, describe the firm and tell us why it isn’t responsive. What are the consequences if a firm chooses to ignore such stakeholder groups?
BUSN 115 Week 5 DQ 2 : Blogs, Podcasts, and Social Media: Oh My! (graded)
How have blogging, podcasting, and social media affected other media you use, like news sites, newspapers (either printed or online versions of the printed papers), or television? Do you think blogging is an influential word-of-mouth promotional tool? Why? Why not? Do you read newspapers now? If so, which ones? Why?
BUSN 115 Quiz Week 5:
(TCO 5) A whole set of marketing intermediaries that join together to transport and store goods in their path from producers to consumers is
(TCO 9) Promotional methodology in which heavy advertising and sales promotion efforts are directed toward consumers so that they will request the products from retailers is called _____.
(TCO 8) Describes a type of distribution system.
BUSN 115 Lemonade Stand Part 2 Week 5 :
In part II of this assignment, we continue to outline various business aspects of our lemonade stand. As you continue to learn new concepts in this course, you have seen how a lemonade stand can help us understand and apply these concepts. In Part II of your lemonade stand we will incorporate concepts from previous weeks and apply these to your newly created company.
In week 3, you created a lemonade stand that you opened in your local neighborhood, you created a name, developed a mission statement, outlined a CSR plan, and picked a pricing strategy for this new company. This week you will continue to develop your idea by writing an informal business report that will share your plans with a potential business investor. A report template is available in Doc Sharing to guide you through formatting of this assignment, however, the main prompts you should address in the report include:
  • Branding strategy. In Part I, you decided part of the brand when you developed your pricing strategy. Continue with the other parts of the marketing mix (Place, Promotion, and Product), and discuss how the lemonade stand should be branded utilizing this marketing mix (Chapter 14).
  • Opportunities for new locations. Your stand in your neighborhood has been very successful and you are considering expanding operations. In doing so, you will need to outline some criteria for potential new locations (Chapter 15).
  • Promotion plans. You have a $ 10,000 budget to promote your stand in the local community. Please outline two or three ways you could promote this business (please include costs involved in these promotions) (Chapter 16).
  • Employee Training. You have hired several people to run your lemonade stand, as you simply are too involved in the strategic aspects of the business. As such, you have seen sales drop. What are some ways you can motivate your employees to improve sales?(Chapter 10)
BUSN 115 Week 5 Research Paper:
  • Many people shy away from careers in selling, often because they think they are not outgoing enough or because salespeople are dishonest or pushy. In this weekly research paper, describe your most memorable experience with a salesperson that was positive and made you feel comfortable. Then in the next section, describe an experience with a salesperson that was unpleasant and made you feel uncomfortable. In comparing the two experiences, answer the following questions. In reflecting on the positive experience, what one thing about the experience made you feel good about it? Why? In reflecting on the unpleasant experience, what one thing about the experience made you feel uncomfortable about it? Why? Consider what you do for work on a day-to-day basis. Given what you do, do you consider yourself to be some form or fashion of a salesperson? Why? Why not?
  • Include APA style in-text citations as well as a reference section.
  • Research papers should be typed in Word. Use 1-inch margins with 12-point type and double spacing. Proper spelling, grammar, clarity, and APA style for a business report will be considered in addition to concepts as part of the final grade. Use subheadings to separate major sections or concepts. The final paper should be between 750 and 1,500 words and three pages in length. Submit your paper as an attachment in the Dropbox. Remember, your submitted paper must be your own work with appropriate citations for your resources. Please be sure to include in-text (parenthetical) citations in APA format and a list of references for all sources.
  • An essay is a composition that is intended to be an analytical, interpretative, original response about the topics and examples in question. An appropriate response should fully answer all questions and develop the topic. It should be organized, have a purpose, and contain examples to support the purpose. There should be a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Homework should be edited for grammar, spelling, typos, and correct punctuation. The writing style should demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and integrate multiple points of view, using vocabulary reflective of the topics discussed in the course.
  • Make sure you support your conclusions and decisions with sound research and analysis from at least two sources. Your textbook can be a source. Explanations of your options and choices are an important part of your demonstration of your mastery of this proposal. Consider your plan from the point of view of a persuasive business proposal. 

Week 6 :

BUSN 115 Week 6 DQ 1 : What!? Me!? A Manager!? (Graded)
A number of learners in our business programs aspire to a management position within their organizations. In some cases, the aspiration includes that of a senior leadership position within the organization. Maybe you have contemplated such ideas. Maybe you should contemplate such ideas. Given this information, discuss with your colleagues management, promotions, and leadership in either your current organization or maybe a new organization that you might consider working for.
Do you prefer to work for a small firm or a large firm? Why? Do you prefer to work for a private company or a public company? Why? Do you prefer to work in the for-profit sector or the not-for-profit sector? Why? Do you prefer to work in an office setting? Why? Do you prefer to work out in the field? Why?
What kind of leader do you think that you would be? Why? Do you have any information to support your self-perceived leadership style? If so, what is this information?
BUSN 115 Week 6 DQ 2 : Workers and Robots: Fair and Equitable? (Graded)
It seems that robots and other machines are replacing workers in a manufacturing facility. On one hand, this allows companies to compete with relatively inexpensive labor from other countries. On the other hand, automation eliminates many jobs. With your course colleagues, discuss this situation. Here are some questions to help start the discussion.
Are you concerned that automation may increase unemployment or underemployment in the United States and around the world? Why? Why not? Is using robotic technology in a factory in the United States a fair and equitable solution to the high cost of human labor? Why? Why not?
BUSN 115 Quiz Week 6:
  • Question 1.1. (TCO 6) A brief articulation of the principles that guide a companys decisions and behaviors. (Points : 5)
  • Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Herzbergs motivating factors includes _____. (Select the one best answer.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 3.3. (TCO 7) Multidimensional networks of suppliers and outsourcing partners is called _____. (Points : 5)
BUSN 115 Week 6 Assignment Mining Group Gold :
  • Prepare a two- to three-page paper in APA style, sixth edition format, that describes, explains, addresses, and answers the following questions or statements.
  • Questions to Consider (30 points total)
  • Review the information in the lecture that presents mining group gold as a method for facilitating meetings. Then, after you have studied and reviewed this information, answer the following questions in a two- to three-page paper. Your paper should use APA style.
  • Describe and explain the five basic steps of mining group gold for its team meeting management process. (9 points)
  • What are the steps for dealing with emotions during a session or meeting? (9 points)
  • Describe and explain how you believe the mining group gold process will improve teamwork, empowerment, and effective communication. (9 points)
  • Include APA style in-text citations as well as a reference section. (3 points)
  • Upload your completed paper to the Dropbox for Week 6.
  • Homework submissions should be typed in Word. Use 1-inch margins with 12-point type and double spacing. Proper spelling, grammar, clarity, and APA style for a business report will be considered in addition to concepts as part of the final grade. Use subheadings to separate major sections or concepts. The final paper should be between 500 and 750 words and be two to three pages in length. Submit your paper as an attachment in the Dropbox. Remember, your submitted paper must be your own work with appropriate citations for your resources. Please be sure to include in-text (parenthetical) citations any time research is included, in APA format, as well as a list of references for all sources.
  • An essay is a composition that is intended to be an analytical, interpretative, original response about the topics and examples in question. An appropriate response should fully answer all questions. It should be organized, have a purpose, and contain examples to support the purpose. There should be a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Homework should be edited for grammar, spelling, typos, and correct punctuation. The writing style should demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and integrate multiple points of view, using vocabulary reflective of the topics discussed over the course of the week.

Week 7 :

BUSN 115 Week 7 DQ 1 : Effects of Information Technology on Management (Graded)
Evaluate and discuss the human resource, security, privacy, and stability issues affected by information technology. The increase of information technology has affected management greatly. The best guess is that it will probably continue to do so. Given that, discuss the issues from the perspective of change and change management. What is the impact of such issues on the management of information technology? Conversely, what is the effect of information technology on management? Why is this important to discuss? In what way does information technology and management impact what you do at your job on a day-to-day basis? Why do you think this is important to discuss?
BUSN 115 Week 7 DQ 2 : Financial Controls (Graded)
The company you co-founded last year is growing rapidly and has strong prospects for an IPO in the next year or two. The additional capital that an IPO could raise would let you hire the brightest people in the industry and continue to innovate with new product research. There is one potential glitch: you and the rest of the executive team have been so focused on launching the business that you haven’t paid much attention to financial control. You’ve had plenty of funds from venture capitalists and early sales, so working capital hasn’t been a problem, but an experienced CEO in your industry recently told you that you’ll never have a successful IPO unless you clean up the financial side of the house. Your co-founders say they are too busy chasing great opportunities right now, and they want to wait until right before the IPO to hire a seasoned financial executive to put things in order. What should you do and why? 
BUSN 115 Final Exam Study Guide:
  • Explain free market capitalism
  • Describe and explain home-based entrepreneurial endeavors
  • Explain how intermediaries perform the six marketing utilities
  • Compare the business-to-business market and the consumer market
  • Identify the new and traditional tools that make up the promotion mix
  • Define and apply common economic indicators
  • Define and discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of business
  • Describe managements role in setting ethical standards
  • Describe and apply a business code of ethics
  • Describe and explain the role of U.S. businesses in influencing ethical behavior and social responsibility in global markets
  • Describe and explain sales law under the Uniform Commercial Code
  • Define the elements of a contract
  • Summarize several laws that regulate competition and protect consumers in the US
  • Describe and explain the role of deregulation in the economy
  • Discuss the changing landscape of the global market and the issue of offshore outsourcing
  • Explain why nations trade
  • Describe and explain the forces that affect trading in global markets
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of trade protectionism
  • Describe the role entrepreneurs play in the creation of jobs
  • Explain why people take the risks of entrepreneurship, list the attributes of successful
  • Analyze what it takes to start and run a small business
  • Show how marketers use environmental scanning to learn about the changing marketing environment
  • Explain how marketers apply the tools of market segmentation, relationship marketing, and the study of consumer behavior
  • Discuss the four Ps of marketing
  • Define marketing and apply the marketing concept to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations
  • Show how word of mouth, e-mail marketing, viral marketing, blogging, podcasting, and mobile marketing work
  • Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various advertising media, including the Internet and social media
  • Understand channel systems, and explain the various ways to build cooperation in them
  • Describe and explain the four functions of management
  • Relate the planning process and decision making to the accomplishment of company goals
  • Describe the current state of U.S. manufacturing and what manufacturers have done to become more competitive
  • Describe and explain planning issues as they relate to a firms operations, including its employees
  • Show how managers put motivation theories into action through such strategies as job enrichment, open communication, and job recognition
  • Show how managers personalize motivation strategies to appeal to employees across the globe and across generations
  • Describe the various production processes, and describe techniques that improve productivity
  • Describe and explain how to use a PERT chart and a Gantt chart
  • Explain how flexible manufacturing is used
  • Describe and explain when to use lean manufacturing
  • Explain how mass customization can be used
  • What are ERP and MRP?
  • How does vision apply to business?
  • Explain and apply facility location and layout to business
  • Describe the four eras in the evolution of marketing
  • Describe and explain the role of marketing managers and the marketing mix
  • Describe the marketing research process
  • Describe logistics and outline how intermediaries manage the transportation and storage of goods
  • Describe business-to-business marketing (B2B) and the business-to-consumer sales process
  • Describe and explain how social media complements other promotions, including promotional strategies
  • Describe and explain social media and Web 2.0
  • Describe and explain privacy issues and stability issues as they apply to information networks
  • Describe some of the common types of information used by business
  • Describe and explain how information is managed
  • Explain knowledge management and how it can be applied in a business setting
  • Describe the types of computer software most frequently used in business
  • Describe and explain business intelligence and how it is changing business
  • Describe and explain virtualization and cloud computing
  • Explain the different accounting disciplines
  • List, describe, and apply business financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows)
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of financial managers
  • What are the finance concerns for small businesses
  • List the types of financial budgets

BUSN 115 Final Exam :

  • Question 1.1. (TCO 7) Some of the characteristics of lean systems include which of the following? (Points : 5)
  • Question 2.2. (TCO 7) Mass customization means (Points : 5)
  • Question 3.3. (TCO 8) One scarce item in the future will be water. Which is the least expensive way to get water from places of abundance to places of need? (Points : 5)
  • Question 4.4. (TCO 8) If there is one thing that advertisers agree upon, it is the growing importance of social media in product promotion. Given this information, (Points : 5)
  • Question 5.5. (TCO 1) You own a hardware store in the small town where you live. A big-box, multiline competitor has just opened. You see the following as your advantages of maintaining your market share and continued sales revenue. (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 6.6. TCO 1) You are fairly good at various and sundry home repairs. You arent very good at electrical things or anything having to do with plumbing. But youre great with painting, patching, and general maintenance on a home. Youre contemplating starting a home repair business in your town. What are some issues that you can influence and should be concerned with in launching a new small-business start-up? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 7.7. (TCO 1) A technique that combines all the promotional tools into one comprehensive, unified promotional strategy includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 8.8. (TCO 2) A conscious plan that represents and encourages a unique set of values includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 9.9. (TCO 2) The Uniform Commercial Code includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 10.10. (TCO 2) Some regulation of business seems necessary to ensure fair and honest dealings with the public. The impact of this statement can best be explained by which of the following? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 11.11. (TCO 3) Strategies for reaching global markets include which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 12.12. (TCO 3) Nations rely on a number of key indicators to measure global trade. These include which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 13.13. (TCO 3) In 1948, a global forum was created whose purpose it was to reduce trade restrictions on goods, services, ideas, and cultural programs. The results of the efforts of this organization include which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 14.14. (TCO 4) The disadvantages of sole proprietorships are which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 15.15. (TCO 4) A limited liability company has which of the following advantages? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 1.1. (TCO 5) In this digital age, setting up shop online is vital for most retail businesses. But having only an online presence that customers can access at home isnt enough anymore. Now consumers have an array of smartphones and digital tablets that can get them online from anywhere. For social networks and retailers alike, the mobile market has already enjoyed tremendous growth. Given this information as a sales manager for Always Better Car Sales (ABCS), your concerns include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 2.2. (TCO 4) To look at problems and/or passions and see opportunities in them, which of the following questions should be asked? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 3.3. (TCO 5) Electronic wireless technology continues its move toward ubiquity. Such media inculcates which of the following? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 4.4. (TCO 5) You are an independent Internet marketing consultant. You have an excellent track record of assisting small- to medium-sized companies fully realize their marketing potential through an improved and enhanced presence on the Web. Mr. Top Hatt, the owner of a small pet-grooming salon (Hatts Cat Grooming Emporium), specializes in the care and grooming of cats and only cats and has just called you. Mr. Hatt has heard of the Internet but doesnt know much else. He would like for his cat grooming business to grow by using the Internet but doesnt know what to do. Your recommendations include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 5.5. (TCO 6) Which does a mission statement address? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 6.6. (TCO 6) Imagine a world that is populated by 9 billion people. In order to maintain our current quality of life, such a world would require 2.3 planets worth of resources. In order to sustain the U.S. way of life, businesses and the government must plan for 30% more people living across the globe. Most of those people will be in developing countries, and the demand will be great for energy, food, and healthcare. Your concern is that you and your production team have been asked by your leadership to create a scorecard to measure your firms efforts in sustainability. Your teams scorecard should necessarily include which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 7.7. (TCO 6) Mining Group Gold is a team process that includes a method for processing and analyzing which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 8.8. (TCO 7) A cellular or modular layout can accommodate changes in design or customer demand. This includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 9.9. (TCO 8) The marketing manager is responsible for choosing how to implement which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 10.10. (TCO 9) Technology can provide significant increases in productivity and efficiency. However, less than stable technology-based systems can significantly impact businesses at the most inopportune times. Issues that are inadvertently and unexpectedly created in such instances include which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 11.11. (TCO 9) Collaboration software allows multiple users to work on the same document at the same time. It also facilitates videoconferencing so that participants can see and hear each other regardless of where they are. The advantage of using such software is which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 12.12. (TCO 9) Web 3.0 can be characterized by which of the following statements? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 13.13. (TCO 10) The role of information technology has changed since the days when it was known as data processing. You have been hired as the new manager of the IT department for Megalopolis Corporation. Megalopolis Corporation manufactures and sells barbecue grills to the middle-upper end of the market. Demand continues to be strong for all products. However, providing service (both warranty and nonwarranty) continues to be a challenge. In essence, having the right parts at the right place at the right time is not an easy task. Given this information, your set of must-do-first priorities includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 14.14. (TCO 10) An accounting system includes which? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 15.15. (TCO 10) Which of the following financial management functions are a part of financial planning? (Select all that apply.) (Points : 5)
  • Question 1.1. (TCO 1) The latest economic news is not very positive. Unemployment rates are higher than expected, consumer confidence has fallen, and companies are reporting layoffs are in order. The Federal Reserve chairman acknowledges the economy is in a recession. What actions might the federal government and the Federal Reserve take to give the economy a boost? What are these policies called? (Points : 10)
  • Question 2.2. (TCO 2) Identify and discuss the social responsibilities of Home Depot to three different stakeholder groups. (Points : 15)
  • Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Discuss the positive aspects of globalization, and contrast these with the negative aspects of globalization from the perspective of a small business. Be sure to address the pros and cons of outsourcing in your response. (Points : 15)
  • Question 4.4. (TCO 4) Identify and explain the incentives for entrepreneurship. Address why someone would willingly take the numerous risks associated with running a business. Also, discuss the major attributes necessary for a successful entrepreneur. (Points : 15)
  • Question 5.5. (TCO 5) Aside from retail sales and marketing, identify and discuss two ways that a business could reduce costs or increase profits by using the Internet or web applications.(Points : 15)
  • Question 6.6. (TCO 8) Identify the four Ps of marketing, and give an example how each of the four Ps can be used to market your favorite product or service. (Points : 15)
  • Question 7.7. (TCO 7) Given the following companies – Boeing (airliner manufacturer) and Dell Computer (computer manufacturer) – which facility layout would be the most suitable for each? Justify your response. How would each company determine the location of its facilities? List the specific needs and requirements of each company when determining location. (Points : 15)

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