Tuesday 1 November 2016

BUSN 258 Customer Relations Complete Course and Final Exam Devry

BUSN 258 Customer Relations Complete Course 

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Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1Developing Customer Service Attitudes and Values 
Customer Service – Impact (Graded)
You have all experienced good and bad customer service. Tell us about a good experience and a bad experience. How did you react to the experience? What did these experiences tell you about the company?
Week 1 DQ 2Developing Customer Service Attitudes and Values 
Building Relationships (Graded)
Many companies have tried to build relationships with you from sending you emails to asking you to join their Twitter account. Building relationships with customers is important for business. What works for companies in building relationships? How would you go about building relationships?
Week 1 Assignment:
What major corporations that you’ve heard of seem to be doing the best job of building customer loyalty? In what ways do they attempt to build long-term relationships with customers?

Week 2

Week 2 DQ 1: Building Customer Loyalty
 Selling (Graded)
How do you feel about being sold to or managed? What techniques do sales people use that irk you? What techniques really resonate with you?
Week 2 DQ 2: Building Customer Loyalty
 Listening (Graded)
What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Do you prefer email, voice mail, texting, or talking to a live person? Are things changing?
Week 2 Assignments:
  • What are some factors (patterns of behavior) that project a company’s culture? List several examples from organizations you work in.
  • BUSN 258 Week 2 You Decide: Scenario Analysis Customer Relations

Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1: Communicating with Others
Customer Contact (Graded)
Given the number of choices we have for customer contact: personal, phone, email, web, chat, and writing letters (yes, we still write letters) which method do you prefer and why? Which do you think is most effective, efficient? Why?
Week 3 DQ 2: Communicating with Others
 The Web (Graded)
How experienced are you with the Internet? How easy or difficult do you find navigating the web? What are your successes and frustrations navigating the web from a customer relations perspective?
Week 3 Assignment Case Study:
BUSN 258 Week 3 Case Study; Macy s Customer Service

Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1: Identifying Customer Issues of Satisfaction
& Dissatisfaction The Unreasonable Customer (Graded)
Have you ever been an unreasonable customer? Have you ever been wrong as a customer? Share an example. Do you view it as your prerogative to be unreasonable as a customer? How so?
Week 4 DQ 2: Identifying Customer Issues of Satisfaction
& Dissatisfaction Trends (Graded)
We talked about customer relations being about the little things. Now we are looking at trends. Can you reconcile the little things with the trends in customer relations? To help get started, identify and discuss several ‘little things’ and trends in customer relations.
Week 4 Assignment:
What little things pushed you out of the zone of indifference into the dissatisfied range? Be as specific as possible and remember that often dissatisfaction comes from a series of truly small, almost insignificant turnoffs.

BUSN 258 Week 4 Midterm Exam (3 Sets)

Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) Excellent organizations are:
  2. (TCO 2) The Gallup organization studied the impact of customer ________ on long-term customer loyalty and profitability.
  3. (TCO 9) You can gain loyal online customers through a lack of competition if:
  4. (TCO 10) Customer dissatisfaction with a firm’s phone call handling stems from:
  5. (TCO 3) A smile originates in the:
  6. (TCO 4) What percent of shopping decisions are made at the point of purchase?
  7. (TCO 1) A business will lose 10—30% of its customers in what time frame?
  8. (TCO 8) Behavior is:
  9. (TCO 6) Which of the following reasons is NOT a reason for not seeking clarification in a conversation?
  10. (TCO 7) Which of the following suggestions is NOT part of the minimum requirements for listening?
  11. (TCO 8) To end a call:
  12. (TCO 7) When it comes to listening versus speaking:
  13. (TCO 6) Changing channels does NOT stem from:
  14. (TCO 6) Calling yourself Mr. or Ms. may give the impression that you are:
  15. (TCO 13) Many customers get their first impression of your company from:
  16. (TCO 13) Customers expect a page to load in less than:
  17. (TCO 13) Click-path refers to
  18. (TCO 6) The first step in handling an upset caller is to ________.
Essay Type
  1. (TCO 1, 4) Define what the word “customer” means in the context of this chapter and discuss the two different kinds of customers that every business has.
  2. (TCO 7, 8) What are the three “I”s of eye communication, and how do you see each used in a typical face-to-face sales encounter?
  3. (TCO 8) What is meant by appropriate dress and grooming for the workplace?

BUSN 258 SET 2

Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) The letter L in the acronym LIFE stands for ________.
  2. (TCO 2) Customer loyalty is:
  3. (TCO 9) Despite many similarities between them, Wal-Mart and K-Mart have very different results, largely because of “little things” that seem to result in better customer service. How do the sales of these two companies compare?
  4. (TCO 10) Customer loyalty is NOT:
  5. (TCO 3) One of the main principles behind globalization and expansion across cultural and geographic boundaries is:
  6. (TCO 4) What percent of shopping decisions are made at the point of purchase?
  7. (TCO 1) A business will lose 10—30% of its customers in what time frame?
  8. (TCO 1) A company’s culture is made up of:
  9. (TCO 6) In any conversation, many of the things we communicate are ________.
  10. (TCO 7) Which of the following factors does NOT complicate the listening process?
  11. (TCO 8) To end a call:
  12. (TCO 7) Listening is the only communication skill that is:
  13. (TCO 6) The end result of CAA is that you:
  14. (TCO 6) Taking notes during a conversation is:
  15. (TCO 13) Which of the following benefits does NOT apply to the advantages of a company using websites?
  16. (TCO 13) Which of the following is NOT a method for providing the customers with human contact despite high-tech communication systems?
  17. (TCO 13) Structured knowledge bases are:
  18. (TCO 6) The key to holding interest in a conversation is:
Essay Type
  1. (TCO 1, 4) Your author cites Ockham’s razor, a logical approach that asserts that when trying to understand a situation, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. What does this mean in the context of customer service?
  2. (TCO 7, 8) How can you keep a caller on track?
  3. (TCO 8) Explain ways to diffuse the customer’s anger or frustration.

BUSN 258 SET 3

Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) The letter L in the acronym LIFE stands for ________.
  2. (TCO 2) The Gallup organization studied the impact of customer ________ on long-term customer loyalty and profitability.
  3. (TCO 9) Despite many similarities between them, Wal-Mart and K-Mart have very different results, largely because of “little things” that seem to result in better customer service. How do the sales of these two companies compare?
  4. (TCO 10) Customer loyalty is NOT:
  5. (TCO 3) A smile originates in the:
  6. (TCO 4) Among the issues of dealing with the “baby boomer” generation is the consideration that:
  7. (TCO 1) A relationship with a customer that doesn’t go beyond the current transaction is:
  8. (TCO 1) A company’s culture is made up of:
  9. (TCO 6) In any conversation, many of the things we communicate are ________.
  10. (TCO 7) Which of the following factors does NOT complicate the listening process?
  11. (TCO 8) One problem with not seeing the person you are talking to is:
  12. (TCO 7) Listening is the only communication skill that is:
  13. (TCO 6) One example of self-centeredness is:
  14. (TCO 6) Callers should always:
  15. (TCO 13) Many customers get their first impression of your company from:
  16. (TCO 13) Which of the following is NOT a method for providing the customers with human contact despite high-tech communication systems?
  17. (TCO 13) Spamming is:
  18. (TCO 6) The first step in handling an upset caller is to ________.
Essay Type
  1. (TCO 1, 4) Your author cites Ockham’s razor, a logical approach that asserts that when trying to understand a situation, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. What does this mean in the context of customer service?
  2. (TCO 7, 8) What are the three “I”s of eye communication, and how do you see each used in a typical face-to-face sales encounter?
  3. (TCO 8) Define and describe a call center.

Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1: Customer Feedback and Recovery
Customer Feedback (Graded)
Have you had any experience receiving feedback? Was it a good experience? What made it a positive or negative experience? In customer relations feedback is inevitable. How are you going to react to negative feedback? What would be your first reaction? Why?
Week 5: Customer Feedback and Recovery
Customer Recovery (Graded)
There are a group of customers who go from one company to another. They are hard to please. Should we bother? Would we be better off trying to please our loyal customers rather than chase unhappy ex-customers? Which way do you lean? Why?
BUSN 258 Week 5 Assignments:
  • How can organizations become more open to feedback? What kinds of employee training would help? What would you tell your employees about feedback importance if you were the boss?
  • BUSN 258 Week 5 You Decide: Scenario Analysis – Customer Relations

Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1: Dealing with Customer Expectations
Customer Expectations (Graded)
Can we increase the customer’s perception of value without actually adding value? How would you increase the perception of value without actually increasing value? Why would you do this? What are the pros and cons of perceptions?
Week 6 DQ 2: Dealing with Customer Expectations
Customer Loyalty (Graded)
Is there any truth to the concept of customer loyalty? Are you loyal to certain companies? What does a company do that captures your loyalty? What might a company do that would shake that loyalty?
BUSN 258 Week 6 Assignments:
BUSN 258 Week 6 Case Study; LL Bean & AT&T

Week 7

Week 7 DQ 1: Managing Employees to Give Great
Customer Service Emotional Labor (Graded)
Have you had a job where you dealt with customers? To what extent did the job involve emotional labor? Did you find the job stressful? How did you deal with the stress?
Week 7 DQ 2: Managing Employees to Give Great
Customer Service  Employee Empowerment (Graded)
Have you ever had a job in the past where you felt empowered? What did it mean to you to be empowered? What can a company do to empower employees?
BUSN 258 Week 7 Assignments:
  • Which of the two general causes of stress, worker characteristics and working conditions, is the most significant in your job? How can you control or manage it?
  • BUSN 258 You Decide: Scenario Analysis – Customer Relations

BUUSN 258 Week 8 Final Exam (2 Sets)

Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) The best way to win customer loyalty is to: 
  2. (TCO 2) Which of the following problems is NOT listed as a people turnoff? Points 
  3. (TCO 3) Small companies can compete against larger ones if they offer: 
  4. (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT an example of something a company can do to enhance extrinsic value? 
  5. (TCO 5) Companies cannot wait years for their customers to see long-term value, so they should: 
  6. (TCO 4) Smart companies connect with their customers through: 
  7. (TCO 5) Intrinsic value arises from:  
  8. (TCO 5) Communication efficiency is: 
  9. (TCO 5) Customer convenience stems from: 
  10. (TCO 4) How long do Americans want to spend preparing a meal? Points 
  11. (TCO 9) To avoid requiring customers to do repetitive tasks: 
  12. (TCO 8) A company’s culture is made up of: 
  13. (TCO 8) Many customers get their first impression of your company from:  
  14. (TCO 9) Calling yourself Mr. or Ms. may give the impression that: 
  15. (TCO 8) Which employees do most customers associate with a company?  
  16. (TCO 10) The three-step process for acting on complaints does NOT include:  
  17. (TCO 10) What percent of customers whose complaints are dealt with report a willingness to do business with a company again? 
  18. (TCO 10) Feedback is a form of: 
  19. (TCO 10) A quick response to a customer’s problem should convey: 
  20. (TCO 11) When it comes to listening versus speaking: 
  21. (TCO 12) A good strategy with an angry customer is:  
  22. (TCO 6) Which of the following behaviors is NOT characteristic of aggressive people? 
  23. (TCO 11) Abrasiveness refers to: 
  24. (TCO 13) In the NPS formula, the P stands for: 
  25. (TCO 13) Market share refers to: 
Essay Type
  1. (TCO 1, 2) Define and explain the NPS formula and how it applies to customer satisfaction.  
  2. (TCO 4,5) Explain the concept of goodness of product fit.
  3. (TCO 6,7) Describe the two personalities a customer will encounter when doing business with an organization,and provide examples of each from your own experience.25 of 25
  4. (TCO 8, 9) Describe at least three techniques that companies can use to successfully engage their customers. What are your recommendations for improving a company’s ability to engage their customers? 
  5. (TCO 13) Describe the difference between customer share and market share. Explain which concept is more important.

BUSN 258 Customer Relations

Week 8 Final Exam Set 2

Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) The first step to reduce waiting time is to:
  2. (TCO 2) Communication turnoffs often occur when employees are ignorant of:
  3. (TCO 3) Small companies can compete against larger ones if they offer:
  4. (TCO 4) Value arises from a tradeoff between:
  5. (TCO 5) To enhance value through goodness of product fit:
  6. (TCO 4) If several people are asking the same question, you have:
  7. (TCO 5) Intrinsic value arises from:
  8. (TCO 5) The best companies to work for:
  9. (TCO 5) Customer convenience stems from:
  10. (TCO 4) Communication effectiveness is NOT best achieved when the message
  11. (TCO 9) Excellent organizations are:
  12. (TCO 8) Behavior is:
  13. (TCO 8) One problem with not seeing the person you are talking to is:
  14. (TCO 9) How far from your mouth should the telephone mouthpiece be?
  15. (TCO 8) To end a call:
  16. (TCO 10) Customer dissatisfaction with a firm’s phone call handling stems from:
  17. (TCO 10) Open communication occurs best when:
  18. (TCO 10) Feedback is a form of:
  19. (TCO 10) Which of the following strategies is NOT a great method of soliciting feedback?
  20. (TCO 12) Positive language conveys more of what than negative language?
  21. (TCO 12) A good strategy with an angry customer is:
  22. (TCO 6) Assertiveness and abrasiveness are:
  23. (TCO 11) An average company will lose what percentage of its customers every five years?
  24. (TCO 13) Interactivity between businesses and customers:
  25. (TCO 13) The fastest growing population in the U.S. today is:
Essay Type
  1. (TCO 1, 2) Evaluate the following statement. Your complaining customer is often your least valuable/most valuable customer. Back up your answer with concepts and examples.
  2. (TCO 4, 5) Discuss the impact of ignoring e-mails or delaying responses to e-mail from customers in a business setting.
  3. (TCO 6, 7) Describe the two personalities a customer will encounter when doing business with an organization, and provide examples of each from your own experience.
  4. (TCO 8, 9) Sometimes we walk into a store and we feel like we’re the most important person in the world. Other times, we enter a business, and we might as well be invisible. What are some examples of companies that succeed and companies that fail in engaging their customers? What are your recommendations for improvement for places you do business?
  5. (TCO 13) Explain the concept of personalized self-serve solutions and the role of Web content as it relates to a customer’s individual needs.

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