Wednesday 2 November 2016

HRM 590 Human Resource Mangement Complete Course and Final Exam Devry

HRM 590 Human Resource Management

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Week 1

Week 1: Evolution of Human Resources – Discussion 1
HRM Trends (Graded)
This course provides a general overview of HRM and its many functions. HRM has transitioned over the last couple of decades from back office support to strategic partner. Review some major trends that have impacted HRM over the last 20 years. What barriers does HRM continue to face today? What will HRM face going forward?
Week 1: Evolution of Human Resources – Discussion 2
Strategic HRM (Graded)
Over the last decade, HRM has made a dramatic transformation in companies. Describe how HRM has changed itself from personnel to human resource management. What strategic changes did HRM make? Provide an example of how HRM is a strategic partner in your current line of work.

Week 2

Week 2: Human Resources and the Law – Discussion 1
Employment Laws (Graded)
Research a specific employment law. Thoroughly describe the law and its purpose (do not copy and paste research content; this should be described in your own words). Explain how the law has impacted employment. Do not duplicate law reviews. It is your responsibility to check your classmates’ postings before posting your own.
Week 2: Human Resources and the Law – Discussion 2
HRM Legal Compliance (Graded)
With HRM becoming a strategic partner, this has an additional responsibility to insure legal compliance in HRM practices. Choose an HRM function and identify HRM’s responsibilities related to legal compliance. Review a case study where compliance was disregarded and describe the results.

Week 3

Week 3: Planning, Job Analysis, and Forecasting – Discussion 1
Job Analysis (Graded)
After reviewing the Week 2 tutorial, what value does creating task and KSA statements bring to job analysis? Find another job analysis model and thoroughly describe the model (do not copy and paste information; provide a summary). Be sure to check your classmates’ postings before submitting your own – there should be no duplicates. Use the model your current HRM department uses, or find one through research. Be sure to include the source so we may review the model.
Week 3: Planning, Job Analysis, and Forecasting – Discussion 2
Forecasting and Planning (Graded)
As part of the strategic partnership HRM has now formed with the business, we must create an HRM plan that aligns with the company’s business plan. Share all the information you would need to begin creating your strategic HRM plan. Describe how forecasting and planning will fit in your HRM plan. Be sure to link all of your HRM plan components to a business strategy.
Week 3 Assignment:
HRM 590 Week 3 Written Assignment 1 (Job Analysis)  (1000+ Words)

Week 4

Week 4: Strategic Staffing, Socialization, Retention – Discussion 1
Strategic Staffing (Graded)
Strategic staffing requires planning and forecast. You have been asked to outline a strategic plan for a new retail business. First, what information might you need to plan for this strategic plan? Second, provide an introduction to your strategic plan, which will convince your leadership team that you’re on the right track.
Week 4: Strategic Staffing, Socialization, Retention – Discussion 2
Employee Socialization and Retention (Graded)
Employee socialization is one aspects towards employee retention. Why? Now that you’ve provided a summary of your strategic staffing plan in the first discussion, explain how do you plan to retain employees in a traditionally high turnover industry (more money is not a plan).

Week 5

Week 5: Performance – Discussion 1
Performance Management (Graded)
There are many performance management models available. Locate one performance management model and describe the process (be sure to cite your source and do not duplicate models already posted). Please do not copy and paste information, but share the process and description in your own words. Share why you chose this model and the value it would bring to a company.
Week 5: Performance – Discussion 2
Evaluating Employee Performance (Graded)
How do we remain objective in evaluating employee performance? How do we objectively evaluate subjective skills such as communication and performance? What process would you put into place to ensure compliance with objectivity in evaluating employee performance?
Week 5 Assignment:
HRM 590 Week 5 Written Assignment 2 (Recruiting) (Selection) 600+ Words

Week 6

Week 6: Compensation and Benefits – Discussion 1
Pay for Performance/Salary Decisions (Graded)
Most companies have moved to a pay for performance process when making salary decisions. What components would you include in a pay for performance compensation program? Thoroughly substantiate each component. What legal aspects must you take into consideration when making salary decisions?
Week 6: Compensation and Benefits – Discussion 2
Case Scenario (Graded)
As the HR professional supporting a field team, you are reviewing the salary decisions for the company’s annual reviews and pay treatment for one of the manager’s supervisory team. This manager’s supervisory team consists of three Caucasian men, two African-American females, two Hispanic men, and four Hispanic females. You notice that 85% of this manager’s budget dollars have been given to the three Caucasian male supervisors. Would you do anything? If yes, what? If no, why not?

Week 7

Week 7: Technology and Global HR – Discussion 1
HRM and Technology (Graded)
Describe how this occurred. Share at least one example where technology has resulted in HRM becoming a strategic partner.
Week 7: Technology and Global HR – Discussion 2
Global HRM (Graded)
We are now in a global workplace. There are no longer boundaries for customers or employees. Describe how this global workplace has changed domestic work environments. Explain how HRM has contributed to the business throughout this cultural change.
Week 7 Final Course Proejct:
HRM 590 Course Project Final (Compensation Decisions) 3300+ Words

HRM 590 Final Exam

HRM 590 Set 1
(TCO A) Many people still believe that companies care little about human resource management compared to other revenue-generating departments. Explain why companies have this perception. Describe how you would convince the company’s leadership of the value of HRM. (Points: 30)
(TCO B) If an employer asked you to review an employment decision to determine whether discrimination had occurred, identify the factors you would consider in that decision and describe how you would evaluate them. (Points: 30)
(TCO C) Many believe that good pay and good management result in union avoidance. Describe the policies and practices companies should develop to avoid unionizing. Explain how these practices might be less costly than unionized labor. (Points: 30)
(TCO D) In developing human resource strategies, businesses face several important challenges. Identify and describe four of these challenges. Link these challenges back to the HRM department’s strategy plan. (Points: 30)
(TCO E) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of layoffs. Explain the pros and cons to using seniority as a layoff criteria. (Points: 30)
(TCO F) Substantiate the value of employee performance evaluations to the business and the employee. Describe the factors/components you would include in a performance management program and validate those items. (Points: 30)
(TCO G) From a general human resource standpoint, describe what you would include in a benefits strategy. Describe the value of a benefits strategy for employees and the business. (Points : 30)
(TCO H) Explain how human resource technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness of HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology support the business? Provide an example. (Points: 40)
HRM 590 Final Exam Set 2
(TCO A) Discuss two major trends that are currently affecting the practice of human resource management. Provide examples of how a company’s HRM practices might be affected by each trend. (Points: 30)
(TCO B) To be a strategic business contributor, human resources must enhance organizational performance, expand human capital, and be cost effective. Discuss how HRM professionals must balance the competing demands made on them. (Points: 30)
(TCO C) Explain the most significant impact of a union on human resource management. (Points: 30)
(TCO D) In developing human resource strategies, businesses face several important challenges. Identify and describe four of these challenges. Link these challenges back to the HRM department’s strategy plan. (Points: 30)
(TCO E) While layoffs may seem prevalent in our work environment today, many companies still face the challenge of retaining top performers and the skills needed to complete the job. Explain how you would create a proactive retention program for a company. Describe the steps you would take and substantiate each step. (Points: 30)
(TCO F) Substantiate the value of employee performance evaluations to the business and the employee. Describe the factors/components you would include in a performance management program and validate those items. (Points: 30)
(TCO G) Pay for performance plans vary in design. Some are designed to reward individuals as well as team results. Describe both types of pay plans. Evaluate the value of both plans as it relates to the organization/business. (Points: 30)
(TCO H) Explain how human resource technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness of HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology support the business? Provide an example. (Points: 40)

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