Wednesday 2 November 2016

LAS 432 Technology Societies and Culture Complete Course Devry

LAS 432 Technology Societies and Culture Complete Course 

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LAS 432 Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1
Science and Technology (Graded)
If the scientific test of a scientific theory is accepted by the community of men and women who are called scientists, does that mean that anything is acceptable as long as enough of the right people agree with it? Does that mean there is no such thing as scientific truth? How, if at all, does science differ from politics, art, or religion, in that case?
Week 1 DQ 2
Technological Revolutions (Graded)
Do you agree with the assertion that we are now living in a third great technological transformation called the Knowledge Revolution? Have computers truly changed our lives so much that we can call this a revolution like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century?
Week 1 Assignment::
LAS 432 Week 1 Outline Document; Nanotechnology in Manufacturing
LAS 432 Week 1 Outline; Nanotechnology in Manufacturing (V.2)

LAS 432 Week 2

Week 2 DQ 1
Technology and Determinism (Graded)
Wajcman raises some interesting issues regarding gender and technology: the association of technology with masculinity, the role of women as consumers of technological products, and the new perspectives and opportunities that soft technologies, such as computers, have opened for women. Why do the soft technologies open more opportunities for women? To what extent have these technologies impacted the perceptions of men’s and women’s roles in the economy, within marriage, and in society as a whole?
Week 2 DQ 2
Technology and Social Change (Graded)
In what way (or ways) is the current Knowledge Revolution a child of the industrial revolution? Is this a new revolution or simply an extension of the 18th-century revolution? Given the history, is it perhaps more appropriate to call the current revolution a Communications Revolution?
Week 2 Assignment:
LAS 432 Week 2 Resource Review Final; Nanotechnology in Manufacturing
LAS 432 Week 2 Resource Review; Nanotechnology in Manufacturing 

LAS 432 Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1
Technology and Modern Culture (Graded)
Winner says, “It is clear that in decades to come a great many things like telephone answer machines and automatic bank tellers will become, in effect, members of our society.” More recent technologies that could be included in Winner’s list include the smart phone, online banking, and online shopping. Winner suggests that we surrogate our responsibility to these technologies. Do you think Winner is right or wrong? Be sure to give reasons for your answer and include specific technologies to support your point.
Week 3 DQ 2
Engineering Our Future (Graded)
A kind of genetic engineering happens in nature, with naturally occurring mutations and the dominance of certain strains. What is different about today’s processes? What makes them potentially dangerous? What should we consider natural and what is artificial? 

LAS 432 Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1
Technology and Art (Graded)
We normally think of the arts as very different from technologies in spite of the fact that art (with perhaps a few exceptions) is practiced with the help of technology. This practice creates interdependence between technology and art. To what extent does art respond to, or is shaped by, the technology that enables it? To what extent have advanced and accessible digital technologies, such as websites, digital photography, and YouTube, changed the relationship between art and technology? Are these technologies reshaping our attitudes toward artists?
Week 4 DQ 2
Technology and Art (Graded)
We normally think of the arts as very different from technologies in spite of the fact that art (with perhaps a few exceptions) is practiced with the help of technology. This practice creates interdependence between technology and art. To what extent does art respond to, or is shaped by, the technology that enables it? To what extent have advanced and accessible digital technologies, such as websites, digital photography, and YouTube, changed the relationship between art and technology? Are these technologies reshaping our attitudes toward artists?

LAS 432 Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1
The Politics of Technology (Graded)
Superior expertise about how technologies work does not guarantee superior judgment about how they should be used, regulated, or governed. As technology becomes more sophisticated, how can citizens and political leaders judge and understand whether a given technology offers great perils or great promises? When great technological projects, such as venturing farther into the galaxy or developing new life-extending medicines, are proposed, how should government officials make decisions about how tax dollars should be spent?
Week 5 DQ 2
Technology and Globalization (Graded)
Many experts assert that globalization has essentially made us less independent and more closely connected to other people than ever before. This enhanced connectivity has important implications for individuals, small businesses, corporations, and governments. Thomas Friedman has been a strong supporter of globalization and emphasizes the benefits of globalization’s technologies and outcomes. Do you agree with his view? Why or why not? What are some of the challenges experienced by governments that are associated with globalization? What are some of the challenges experienced by individuals?

LAS 432 Midterm Exam

  1. (TCO 1) The Neolithic Revolution was a result of
  2. (TCO 1) Francis Bacon argued that scientific method differed from logic and mathematics in that
  3. (TCOs 2 & 8) Rapid urbanization in Britain during the 19th century was the result of
  4. (TCOs 2 & 8) The introduction of four uniform time zones in the United States was a direct result of
  5. (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Wiki art?
  6. (TCO 4) According to Winner, the use of computer technologies to supervise workers is
  7. (TCO 8): The most culturally influential class in Industrial Britain was
  8. (TCO 11) Which of the following is NOT a scholarly resource?
  9. (TCO 12) Bill Joy argues that the most dangerous aspect of GNR technologies is
  10. (TCO 12) The unintended effects of e-mail are
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  1. You must complete all three essays. These essays are worth 50 points each, so please take the time to think through your answers and review them before submitting.
  2. (TCOs 4 & 8) Identify two authors from your readings and compare their views on the impact of technology on a culture. To what degree does each author see the technology affecting social change? Were there special interests involved in the decision making concerning the development and use of the technology? Provide specific examples.
  3. (TCOs 3 & 4) How have changes in technology affected the recording industry and our understanding of what it means to be a professional musician? How have changes in technology affected our access to recorded music and the control exercised by traditional distributors? How will all these changes affect cultural trends and our expectations of music as an art form? Provide specific examples.
  • Multiple Choice
  1. (TCO 1) In the Neolithic Revolution, the growth of communities was a result of
  2. (TCO 1) Francis Bacon argued that scientific method differed from logic and mathematics in that
  3. (TCOs 2 & 8) Edgerton counters the theory of distinct successive technological revolutions by explaining that
  4. (TCOs 2 & 8) The introduction of four uniform time zones in the United States was a direct result of
  5. (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Wiki art? (Points : 5)
  6. (TCO 4) According to Winner, the use of computer technologies to supervise workers is
  7. (TCO 8) The term Luddite refers to
  8. (TCO 11) Which of the following is considered a scholarly resource? (Points : 5)
  9. (TCO 12) The three technologies that Bill Joy states are the greatest threat in the 21st century are
  10. (TCO 12) The unintended effects of e-mail are
  11. The intended reader of a scholarly resource would be
  12. During the Protestant Reformation, the printing press created a new desire for books.
  13. Winner argues that some technologies have become so fully integrated in our society that they have actually taken on social roles. An example of this would be
  • Essay Questions
  1. (TCOs 1 & 2) Why does Cowan believe it is important to examine technologies in the context of technological systems? What advantage does this broader perspective give to planners? Give a specific current technological example (not it the reading) in support of your answer.
  2. (TCOs 4 & 8) Explain in your own words your understanding of Wajcman’s critique of technological determinism. How does her reasoning compare with Winner’s argument that technologies can actually reflect political relationships? Provide examples…………Has the development of digital technologies democratized the art of photography? How has this affected our appreciation of the photographer as artist and photography as an art form? Explain using specific examples.
  3. (TCO 4 AND 12) Both Winner and Joy explore the issue of technology and control. How would you compare their two views of current technological development? Focus the comparison on a specific technology, such as genetically modified organisms.
  4. (TCOs 3 & 4) How have changes in technology affected the recording industry and our understanding of what it means to be a professional musician? How have changes in technology affected our access to recorded music and the control exercised by traditional distributors? How will all these changes affect cultural trends and our expectations of music as an art form? Provide specific examples.
  5. (TCOs 1 & 2) Landes argues that there were cultural differences between the East and Middle East and the West that affected the development and application of some technologies such as the clock. Did these differences also affect the way these cultures approached information technologies such as the printing press? Can you make a comparison with the different approaches taken by Eastern and Middle Eastern and Western cultures today and current information technologies? (Points : 50)
  1. (TCO 1) A characteristic of the Neolithic revolution was the movement of people to villages because(Points: 5)
  2. (TCO 1) In the Neolithic Revolution, the growth of communities was a result of (Points : 5)
  3. (TCO 1) Francis Bacon argued that scientific method differed from logic and mathematics in that (Points : 5)
  4. (TCOs 2 & 8) Edgerton counters the theory of distinct successive technological revolutions by explaining that (Points : 5)
  5. (TCOs 2 & 8) The introduction of four uniform time zones in the United States was a direct result of (Points : 5)
  6. (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Wiki art? (Points : 5)
  7. (TCO 4) In Wiki art, the artist is (Points : 5)
  8. (TCO 4) According to Winner, the use of computer technologies to supervise workers is (Points : 5)
  9. (TCO 4) According to Winner, the design of a hoe (el cortito),reflects a political relationship because(Points: 5)
  10. (TCO 8) The term Luddite refers to (Points : 5)
  11. (TCO 11) Which of the following is considered a scholarly resource? (Points : 5)
  12. (TCO 12) Bill Joy compares the threat of self-replicating nanotechnology with (Points : 5) the use of living cells in genetic engineering. the use of uranium in nuclear weapons. the threat of neo-Luddites. the proliferation of chemical weapons.
  13. (TCO 12) The three technologies that Bill Joy states are the greatest threat in the 21st century are (Points : 5)
  14. (TCO 12) The unintended effects of e-mail are(Points : 5)
  15. The intended reader of a scholarly resource would be
  16. During the Protestant Reformation, the printing press created a new desire for books.
  17. Winner argues that some technologies have become so fully integrated in our society that they have actually taken on social roles. An example of this would be
  • Page 1
  1. Question: (TCO 1) The Neolithic Revolution was a result of
  2. Question: (TCO 1) Landes argues that the invention of spectacles in Europe not only made it possible for craftsmen to work longer, it also
  3. Question: (TCOs 2 & 8) Edgerton counters the theory of distinct successive technological revolutions by explaining that
  4. Question: (TCOs 2 & 8) Although telephone systems had much in common with telegraph systems, telephone technology was a more social technology because
  5. Question: (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Wiki art?
  6. Question: (TCO 4) Winner argues that some technologies have become so fully integrated in our society that they have actually taken on social roles. An example of this would be
  7. Question: (TCO 8) The most culturally influential class in Industrial Britain was
  8. Question: Which of the following is considered a scholarly resource?
  9. Question: (TCO 12) Bill Joy compares the threat of self-replicating nanotechnology with
  10. Question: (TCO 12) The term nanotechnology was first used to refer to
  • Page 2 
  1. Question: You must complete all three essays. These essays are worth 50 points each, so please take the time to think through your answers and review them before submitting. These essays should be a minimum of five paragraphs in length each. They should contain a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph (an answer to the question!). Make sure your explanation is clear and that you provide specific examples. Any quotes from the readings or external materials must include quotation marks and an in-text citation. Failure to identify quoted material could result in a 0 for the exam and a formal academic dishonesty charge. (TCOs 1 & 2) Do you agree with the assertion that we are now living in a third-great technological transformation-the Knowledge Revolution? Have computers truly changed our lives so much that we can call this a revolution like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century? Support your answer providing specific comparisons from the two periods.
  2. Question: Identify two authors from your readings and compare their views on the impact of technology on a culture. To what degree does each author see the technology affecting social change? Were there special interests involved in the decision making concerning the development and use of the technology? Provide specific examples.
  3. Question: (TCOs 3 & 4) How have changes in communications technologies affected how we write and what we write? How do wikis and blogs compare to traditional forms such as textbooks and newspaper editorials? Please be specific.

LAS 432 Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1
What Is Reality? (Graded)
Why do we pursue technologies such as those associated with virtual reality? Going back to one of our definitions of technology, what problem are we trying to solve? What are the risks associated with these technologies?
Week 6 DQ 2
Technology, Morality, and Ethics (Graded)
In the article by Leon Kass, “Preventing a Brave New World,” the author argues for a worldwide ban on all forms of human cloning. Do you agree with the author’s arguments? Could we realistically allow therapeutic cloning but ban human cloning? What are the ethical questions raised by cloning? Is there any moral difference between applying genetic engineering technologies to humans and applying them to animals and plants? What role should governments play in making policies regarding ethical issues?

LAS 432 Week 7

Week 7 DQ 1
The Energy Crisis (Graded)
Given the current state of energy use, which continues to grow exponentially in such countries as China and India, what measures can the United States and other Western countries take to produce more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly fuels? What other sources of energy could be developed to solve the energy crisis? What can the individual do to alleviate this crisis?
Week 7 DQ 2
Globalization and the Threat to the Environment (Graded)
Before we decide what to do about the environment globally, let’s see what we can do locally. What environmental problems are you aware of in the area where you live? What solutions, from among those proposed by the authors of the essays, do you think would be the most appropriate to solve these problems?
Week 7 Assignment:
LAS 432 Week 7 Final Paper Submission; Nanotechnology in Manufacturing 

LAS 432 Week 8

LAS 432 Week 8 Team Presentation (Nanotechnology in Manufacturing)

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