Thursday 3 November 2016

PROJ 410 Contracts & Procurement DQs,Assignment & Final Exam Devry

PROJ 410 Contracts and Procurement Discussions,Assignment & Final Exam

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PROJ 410 Week 1 DQ 1   
Procurement in Projects (Graded)
There are many reasons to pursue business process outsourcing and project procurement, including flexibility, improving methodologies, and increasing productivity.  Taking into consideration budget, scope, schedule, and risk, what are some of the other reasons to contract part or all of a project or business process?  What are some of the drawbacks to outsourcing?  Again, consider this question from the budget, scope, schedule, and risk standpoint. 
PROJ 410 Week 1 DQ 2   
Contract vs. Project Management (Graded)
A project manager and a contract manager are both needed to administer a procured project or process.  If you were the project manager, how would you work with the contract manager to ensure a successful procurement?  In answering this question, consider such issues as at what point you would want to get the contract manager involved in the project, what areas of the contract you would want to be his/her responsibility, how much and what types of communication you would want the seller (i.e., the contracted firm) to have with the contract manager, and who would handle conflicts that might arise with costs, schedules, or scope.

Week 2

PROJ 410 Week 2 DQ 1   
Contract Pricing Options (Graded)
Assume that you have made the final payment on a one-acre residential lot you purchased years ago to build your retirement home.  You are now ready to build your dream home.  This will be your ongoing project for the next couple of years.  Which contract structure (fixed price, unit price, reimbursable) do you think you would use to proceed with your project?  Explain your choice.
PROJ 410 Week 2 DQ 2    
Project Control (Graded)
What are the differences among a fixed price contract, a time and materials contract, and a reimbursable contract in terms of how well-defined a contract needs to be relative to price, scope, and schedule prior to the commencement of any work?  How much control over the project scope, price, and schedule should the contractor have under each contract type?

Week 3

PROJ 410 Week 3 DQ 1    
RFP Requirements (Graded)
Consider again the dream retirement home that you were building as part of the Week 2 discussion.  Assume you are working on the request for proposal to be bid on by some local general contractors.  Using the outline of the RFP sections discussed this week, what are some specific questions or areas of detail you would put in your RFP?  What are some ways you’d tailor your RFP to make sure you knew if the local general contractor you choose will meet all of your success criteria?
PROJ 410 Week 3 DQ 2   
RFP Evaluations (Graded)
It is very common to find buyers that fail to identify the RFP evaluation criteria during the project procurement planning process, and in fact do not define the evaluation criteria until after proposals have been received and the evaluation process is set to begin.  What do you think is the risk of waiting until bids have been received to establish the evaluation criteria to be used to select a preferred contractor?
Week 3 Assignment:         
PROJ 410 Week 3 Case Study 1 BPO and Cloud Computing (2800 Words)

Week 4

PROJ 410 Week 4 DQ 1   
Evaluation Criteria (Graded)
The formulation of evaluation criteria has long-lasting implications throughout a life cycle of a contract.  The result should be picking the right seller for the contract.  In fact, the development of evaluation criteria has often been debated to be one aspect of contract procurement that needs to be closely coordinated with both the contract administrator and project manager.  What are your thoughts on the role the contract manager should have in the development of evaluation criteria?  What about the project manager?  Who else should be involved in establishing and applying the evaluation criteria?
PROJ 410 Week 4 DQ 2     
Bid Duration (Graded)
How do you go about defining the proper duration for a bid procurement?  Consider the time it takes to plan for the procurement, draft an RFI and/or RFP, receive responses, and make a decision.  What could you do if you needed to “fast track” this bid duration?

PROJ 410 Week 4 Midterm Exam

Midterm Exam
Midterm Set 1
  1. (TCO 2) An offshoot of business process outsourcing which requires a greater skill or knowledge of the industry or inner workings of a firm is:
  2. (TCO 5) To assess the impact of a contract on both the buyer and seller, an analysis of exposure can be completed. Categories analyzed in this exposure analysis include all of the following except:
  3. (TCO 7) Issuing an RFP to only one vendor may be appropriate when:
  4. (TCO 6) Factors that may affect the BPO agreement structure include all of the following except:
  5. (TCO 3) How are the procurement responsibilities divided between the project manager and contract administrator?
  6. (TCO 4) What is the difference between the Cost-Plus-Percentage-Fee (CPF) contract structure and the Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) contract structure?
  7. (TCO 6) Sometimes a seller is selected based solely on lowest price. However, sometimes this is not always the most efficient or effective way of selecting a seller.  What are some of the other evaluation criteria that a buyer may use to help select a seller?
  8. (TCO 8) What is an independent estimate and why should a buyer produce an independent estimate before selecting a seller?
  9. (TCO 7) Explain the purpose of an RFP. What are some common elements of an RFP?
  10. (TCO 2) Part 1: Explain the various steps of the project procurement process. Part 2: Using the simple decision of packing and moving your home furnishing from the east coast to the west coast, provide an example of what you would do under each of the six steps of the project procurement process.  Part 3: The buyer determines the contract pricing structure during which step of the project procurement process?
  11. (TCO 1) Part 1: What are the four contract pricing structures available? Part 2: Describe the appropriate utilization of each and the impact of risk to the buyer and seller.  Part 3. What contract pricing structure would you use if you had little to no scope defined?
Midterm Set 2
  1. (TCO 2) A firm should concentrate on its _____ processes while outsourcing its _____ processes.
  2. (TCO 5) To assess the impact of a contract on both the buyer and seller, an analysis of exposure can be completed. Categories analyzed in this exposure analysis include all of the following except: ______.
  3. (TCO 7) All of the following are common RFP topics, except: ______.
  4. (TCO 6) Factors that may affect the BPO agreement structure include all of the following except: ______.
  5. (TCO 3) Explain the difference between a contract administrator and a project manager in a procurement situation.
  6. (TCO 4) What is the difference between the Cost-Plus-Percentage-Fee (CPF) contract structure and the Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) contract structure?
  7. (TCO 6) Three commonly used evaluation criteria listed in an RFP are overall cost or financial proposal, reputation, and experience. What can the buyer glean from this information and how can the buyer use it to make a decision on a particular seller?
  8. (TCO 8) What are the two ways to rank the seller’s proposals before selecting a seller?
  9. (TCO 7) Explain the purpose of an RFP. What are some common elements of an RFP?
  10. (TCO 2) Part 1: List and define the six phases of the project procurement management process. Part 2: How could you organize a simple project such as renovating a bathroom into the six steps in the project procurement management process? Part 3: The buyer determines the contract pricing structure during which step of the project procurement process?
  11. (TCO 1) Part 1: Discuss the following types of contract pricing: (a) fixed price, (b) cost-plus price, (c) time & materials, and (d) unit price. Part 2: Explain the appropriate utilization of each contract pricing type and the impact of risk to the contracting parties. Part 3: What type of contract pricing structure misaligns the buyer’s motivations with the seller’s?
  12. (TCO 3) Identify and describe the benefits that procurement outsourcing will bring to the organization.
  13. (TCO 1) Discuss the importance of obtaining support for the process of Business Process Outsourcing. Who would be important to involve and why?
Midterm Set 3
  1. (TCO 2) A firm should concentrate on its _____ processes while outsourcing its _____ processes. (Points : 5)
  2. (TCO 5) To assess the impact of a contract on both the buyer and seller, an analysis of exposure can be completed. Categories analyzed in this exposure analysis include all of the following except: ______. (Points : 5)
  3. (TCO 7) For most customers, requesting multiple bids is the preferred approach because it: _______. (Points : 5)
  4. (TCO 6) The Term, Contracting Party, Integration, Retained Assets, and Performance Standards are all: _______. (Points : 5)
  5. (TCO 3) What activities is the contract administrator responsible for in a contract situation? What about the project manager? (Points : 12)
  6. (TCO 4) What is the difference between the Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee (CPFF) and the Cost-Plus-Incentive Fee (CPIF) contract structures? (Points : 12)
  7. (TCO 6) List three commonly used evaluation criteria listed in an RFP and explain why a buyer would want this information before selecting a seller. (Points : 12)
  8. (TCO 8) What is an independent estimate and why should a buyer produce an independent estimate before selecting a seller? (Points : 12)
  9. (TCO 7) Describe the common sections of the RFP. (Points : 12)
  10. (TCO 2) Part 1: List and define the six phases of the project procurement management process. Part 2: How could you organize a simple project such as renovating a bathroom into the six steps in the project procurement management process? Part 3: The buyer determines the contract pricing structure during which step of the project procurement process? (Points : 30)
  11. (TCO 1) Part 1: Discuss the following types of contract pricing: (a) fixed price, (b) cost-plus price, (c) time & materials, and (d) unit price. Part 2: Explain the appropriate utilization of each contract pricing type and the impact of risk to the contracting parties. Part 3: What type of contract pricing structure misaligns the buyer’s motivations with the seller’s? (Points : 30)
  12. (TCO 3) Evaluate the most common business drivers for outsourcing business processes. Which two drivers would be among the most important? (Points : 30)
  13. (TCO 1) List and describe the directives to consider the process of outsourcing if you are a senior manager. (Points : 30)

Week 5

PROJ 410 Week 5 DQ 1     
Human Resource Transitioning (Graded)
As your textbook indicated, business process outsourcing has become an emerging trend in most small and large size corporations.  This has been particularly true during the last year and a half, as many companies have turned to outsourcing in order to reduce overhead costs during these recessionary times.  Identify some companies that you have been personally associated with, or companies you have read about that have gone through the outsourcing process for some of its business operations.  How did affected employees react to the outsource process?
PROJ 410 Week 5 DQ 2      
Globalization and Procurement (Graded)
For most industries, globalization is arguably one of the more common business trends of the last decade.  As your text indicates, there are several considerations that must be evaluated from a contracting standpoint relative to multi-nation operations and contracting agreements.  Let’s take the various contracting considerations presented in your text (and outlined in this week’s slides), and lets discuss how they can affect U.S.-based firms seeking a BPO or subcontracting agreement with a foreign company on a region by region basis, including: Canada, Europe, Asia, South/Central America, Canada, and Mexico.  Based on your understanding and/or experiences in these other regions of the world, what do you think are contracting considerations that should be considered and addressed in the BPO contract?
Week 5 Assignment: 
PROJ 410 Week 5 Case Study 2 (2800 Words)

Week 6

PROJ 410 Week 6 DQ 1   
Contract Dispute Resolution (Graded)
Conflict resolution and conflict management is a common day-to-day activity in most projects and office environments.  As a group, let’s identify the top five sources of conflict in a BPO agreement for project management services.  Let’s identify one source at a time and discuss whether or not each of you feels it ranks in the top five sources of conflict.  As I read your exchanges, I will make a determination as to whether or not enough evidence has been provided to justify its inclusion into our top five list.
PROJ 410 Week 6 DQ 2   
Benchmarking (Graded)
There are several ways to benchmark.  The two most common benchmarking tools are “performance benchmarking” and “best practice benchmarking.”  Consider a nationwide bank that has contracted with a seller to assess its current staffing and facility locations.  The goal of the contract is for the seller to produce a strategic plan that creates cost efficiencies for the bank by recommending (and implementing) areas to consolidate among staff and facilities.  (One recommendation may be to close down a bank branch that is located within three miles of another bank branch.)  This is a long-term contract stretched out over five years.  If you were the Project Manager in the bank, what benchmarks would you compare your seller to?  Are they performance benchmarks or best practices benchmarks?  

Week 7

PROJ 410 Week 7 DQ 1   
Renegotiation and Termination (Graded)
More often than not, it is more desirable to renegotiate a contract than to terminate a contract.  What do you think may be some of the effects of a contract termination from the buyer’s perspective?  What about from the seller’s perspective?
PROJ 410 Week 7 DQ 2  
Contract Close-Out (Graded)
One of the most frustrating aspects of contract management to customers/clients is the length of time that it commonly takes to close out a project (from an administrative standpoint) after most or all of the contract scope of work has been completed.  The closeout is the fourth phase in the generic project life cycle where all outstanding contractual issues are completed and documented in preparation for turning over the product or service to the customer.  What are some of the activities that need to be performed as part of the contract closeout functions?  What do you think are some of the factors that cause such a length in delay in the closure of the project/contract?
Week 7 Assignment:
PROJ 410 Week 7 Case Study 3 (2800 Words)

Final Exam (2)

PROJ 410 Week 8 Final Exam

  1. (TCO 1 & 4) What would facilitate a business process outsourcing transition quickly and maintain some consistency in the organization? (Points : 5)
  2. (TCO 4) Under this pricing contract, the buyer pays the seller’s actual costs and a fixed fee determined as a percentage of the estimated project costs. (Points : 5)
  3. (TCO 7) Which step(s) should a buyer take to evaluate the seller’s proposal? (Points : 5)
  4. (TCO 5) Negotiations in a BPO agreement are largely determined by which factor? (Points : 5)
  5. (TCO 6) Employee morale and expectations, buyer’s precedent, service level desired by the buyer, and the efficient delivery of services by the seller are all _____. (Points : 5)
  6. (TCO 3) Which is not a key component in the project procurement management process? (Points : 5)
  7. (TCO 6) What are some steps to take when communicating with employees that outsourcing will take place in the company? (Points : 10)
  8. (TCO 2 & 6) What typically gets outsourced and what would be the benefits to outsourcing the items listed? Please list and discuss six reasons. (Points : 10)
  9. (TCO 9) What happens after a renegotiation? Why does this happen? (Points : 10)
  10. (TCO 8 & 9) What is benchmarking? Give two examples with which you are familiar, and tell why benchmarking is useful in outsourcing. (Points : 10)
  11. (TCO 8) What is a performance standard and how is this agreed upon? Recommend the components that would need to be included and why. (Points : 30)
  12. (TCO 5) What laws should an organization consult before, during, and after a BPO? Describe two of the laws and how you would include this in a presentation to executives. (Points : 30)
  13. (TCO 5 & 7) List and describe five components of a BPO. Then summarize why each of the items that you chose are important to the BPO process. (Points : 30)
  14. (TCO 5) Negotiations in a BPO agreement are largely determined by which factor? (Points : 5)
  15. (TCO 8 & 10) What is early termination? Give an example and then discuss how can this be avoided or minimized. Persuade the legal team that the verbiage to accomplish this needs to be included in the BPO agreement. (Points : 30)

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