Wednesday 2 November 2016

HRM 587 Managing Organizational Change Complete Course & Final Devry

HRM 587 Managing Organizational Change

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Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1
Stories for Change (Graded)
  1. Post the top three learning points you gleaned from the stories, and include how the stories for change helped you learn these points, or
  2. Research one of the four companies and see how or if that company has since changed (yet more) since the time of the book’s publication. How did that recent change fit with or not fit in with the “lessons” that the textbook mentions the company “learned” from their original set of changes? Explain what you find (bring the URL of the research/article you used to help you).
Week 1 DQ 2
Pressures for Change (Graded) 
Organizations change due to many different pressures. In your lecture for Week 1, as well as your reading in Chapter 3, you are introduced to many of these pressures. Think about a time at work, at school, or at home, when you have been subjected to similar pressures (this is “your” example). Did that pressure make you change or “dig in your heels” and refuse to change? What does that say about pressures for change? Does it always lead to change? 
Week 1 Assignment:
HRM 587 Course Project Managing Organizational Change Part 1 Topic Selection (350+ Words)

Week 2

Week 2 DQ 1
The textbook talks about many types of “change.” Here is a list of many of the “types”: first order, second order, anticipatory, reactive, adaptive, tuning, adaptation, reorientation, recreation, midroad, tectonic, incremental, transformational, downsizing, technological, mergers and acquisitions. It is all quite overwhelming, really. Our goal this week is to gain clarity and understanding of the differences among the types of changes. 
Week 2 DQ 2
The Green Mountain Resort case is a perfect one for us to work together as a class on the different images for change and how they are reflected (or could have been reflected) in that case. We will cover multiple facets of this throughout the week but to start, let’s talk about the role that Gunter plays in our case study this week. For our opening posts, pick one or two of the following (or debate with your classmates): 
Week 2 Assignment:
HRM 587 Week 2 Course Project Images Grid.a (Director, Navigator and Interpreter)
HRM 587 Week 2 Course Project Managing Organizational Change Part 2 (Images of Change) (2200+ Words)

Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1
Chapter 5 identifies several diagnostic models. The first five speak of the overall structure of the organization. Select one of these five and research it on the Internet. Discuss why you chose this particular model, with special emphasis on the components included and how they (and the model) fit with your view of the organization you are researching for your project. Speak also to what you see as the model’s strengths and weaknesses
Week 3 DQ 2
The Force Field Analysis Model is one of the most famous in change management. It was originally developed by Kurt Lewin and can be found in Chapter 5 at the end of the chapter (printed page 151). Review this model and relate it to an issue in your organization or your associations outside of work. Define how understanding the “forces for” and the “forces against” inter-relate. What insights did you get from the analysis? 

Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1
(Note: This case is a work of fiction.) Lefty’s BBQ is a U.S. national restaurant chain which serves beef, pork, and chicken barbecue along with Pepsi products, thin-cut French fries or slaw as sides, and offers biscuits or garlic bread as well. The restaurant operates as a drive-up only, with parking lots available at most locations for people to sit and eat in their cars, as well as picnic tables outside in some southern locations. The “average” customer is white male and about 35-45 years old. Many of the workers in the chain are high school part-time, hourly workers who operate the registers, clean-up, and cooking. Managers range from the age of 18+. Lefty’s BBQ senior management has implemented a change plan to introduce alcoholic beverages to its menu (beer and wine only).
Week 4 DQ 2
Addition/Subtraction Company (A/SC) is a textbook publisher for math education, including 1st grade through graduate school levels. The company has been supplying textbooks to public education schools (grade – university level) for 55 years. The company has always prided itself on the loyalty it shows to its employees in that almost all of its authors are full-time employees, and very little of the work done in the organization is farmed out to independent contractors. However, over the last 10 years, the earnings of the company have taken a huge hit, partly because of the No Child Left Behind Act, which caused some of A/SC’s textbooks to fall out of print before they made a profit, and partly because of the increase in costs due to the company’s health insurance premiums when a large number of their employee base (and their families) contracted serious illnesses requiring lengthy and expensive treatments which has impacted the bottom line of the company
Week 4 Assignment:
HRM 587 Week 4 (Barriers to Change) (1400+ Words)
HRM 587 Week 4 Course Project Managing Organizational Change Part 3 (Diagnosing the Change) (5500+ Words)

 Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1
Organizational Development Theory and Practices
JetBlue Airways is a company which has embraced the OD theory and allowed OD’s vision of emotional intelligence, value proposition, positive reinforcement, and change through improvement and culture to drive much of its results over the past years. The airline industry is one in which external influences have had an unbelievable impact on the bottom line of all of the companies that fly
Week 5 DQ 2
nStep Practices (Graded)

Class, you will be the “change agents” for this change. Your professor will be the CEO, issuing dictates, orders, suggestions, support, ideas, and thoughts. However, you, as class members, will need to take each new piece of information and determine how it will fit into your plans for change, as change agents. Keep an eye on the new information as well as how your colleagues are addressing it. Innovation, creativity, and level headedness is key to making this week’s solution succeed. Good luck! 

Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1
Tyco Case Study (Graded)

Review the Case Study on the Tyco company which appears in your textbook at the end of Chapter 11, pp. 345-346. After reading the case, let’s start the discussions with these questions. 

1. How did the turnaround team use Gerard and Teurf’s transformation skills (discussed earlier in Chapter 11) to overcome the frustrations of employees? 
2. What were some of the examples given in the case which led you to think those transformational skills were used? 
3. Of the three types of cultural transformation (behavioral, experiential, and attitudinal), which of these types occurred in the Tyco case, and why do you think so? 
Week 6 DQ 2
Types of Communication Methods (Graded)
Throughout the term, you have been researching two companies and the change plans each underwent. This week, you will be working on the communication plan which you feel one of the companies most likely used (or you will create one you would have recommended it use). This plan will include types/methods of communication, a timeline for that communication, etc. (See the project for more details.) This week, we want to work together and look at types of communication. Also, you will be given an opportunity to share a draft of the “sample” communication you are going to provide for your project, and receive feedback from your classmates. 
Week 6 Assignments:
HRM 587 Course Project Managing Organizational Change Part 4 (Communicating the Change) (3000+ Words)
HRM 587 Week 6 (Case Study Tyco) (900+ Words)
HRM 587 Week 6 (Change Plan Grid)

Week 7

Week 7 DQ 1
Chapter 12 NASA Case Study (Graded)Read the end-of-chapter case in Chapter 12 of your text and do Internet research on NASA during both disasters, with particular emphasis on the disasters’ effects on the culture. Why do you feel it is so difficult to “sustain” cultural change in a large organization AFTER the immediate effects of a major event like Challenger or Columbia? What role should leadership play in working to “institutionalize” such cultural changes? 
Week 7 DQ 2
Cracking the Code of Change: HBR Article (Graded)Locate and read the HBR article, “Cracking the Code of Change,” in the Online Library. It can be found through a general search in EBSCOhost, in the Harvard Business Review collection, May-June 2000 issue. 
HRM 587 Week 7 Assignment:
 HRM 587 Course Project Managing Organizational Change Part 5 (Annotated Bibliography) (2350+ Words)

HRM 587 Final Exam Set 1 
1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked on this term over your two companies change program based on the TCO you selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover:
TCO A – Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees.
TCO B – Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve, demonstrate how models are used in Change Management, for diagnosing an organizations need for change. 
TCO C – Given external, internal and/or multi-levels of organization factors that drive change, assess and create a leadership model which supports and promotes each type of change within the organization.
TCO D – Given that an organizations mission and vision will determine its strategy towards change, ensure that an organizations change initiative is aligned with and capitalizes on its culture and mission in preparation for change.
TCO E – Given a selected Change Management implementation model, determine the causes of change and develop a plan of action to implement the change.
TCO F – Given that both organizations and their employees commonly resist change, understand how to recognize and overcome barriers to change and develop a strategy to manage resistance to change that will ensure successful implementation of change.
TCO G – Given that developing a vision for change and communicating that vision is a critical part of the change process, analyze the key elements of the vision for change and develop a strategy to communicate the change to the stakeholder.
TCO H – Given the organizations goal of creating and implementing a sustainable change while moving toward becoming a learning organization, develop a plan to implement change in a sustainable manner that can be applied to any change.
Using the TCO you selected from the list above, which you felt was most relevant to your project this term, write an essay answer explaining how the change management you saw in one of your companies from your project this term followed or failed to follow the theory of success ingrained in the TCO you have selected.
State the #1 thing you think that companys change agent did which most contributed to the success or failure of the change and why that relates to the TCO you selected.
Include in the answer the name of the company you are discussing.
Explain/analyze why you think this way.
1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked on this term over your two companies change program based on the TCO you selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover:
TCO A – Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees.
TCO B – Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve, demonstrate how models are used in Change Management, for diagnosing an organizations need for change. 
TCO C – Given external, internal and/or multi-levels of organization factors that drive change, assess and create a leadership model which supports and promotes each type of change within the organization.
TCO D – Given that an organizations mission and vision will determine its strategy towards change, ensure that an organizations change initiative is aligned with and capitalizes on its culture and mission in preparation for change.
TCO E – Given a selected Change Management implementation model, determine the causes of change and develop a plan of action to implement the change.
TCO F – Given that both organizations and their employees commonly resist change, understand how to recognize and overcome barriers to change and develop a strategy to manage resistance to change that will ensure successful implementation of change.
TCO G – Given that developing a vision for change and communicating that vision is a critical part of the change process, analyze the key elements of the vision for change and develop a strategy to communicate the change to the stakeholder.
TCO H – Given the organizations goal of creating and implementing a sustainable change while moving toward becoming a learning organization, develop a plan to implement change in a sustainable manner that can be applied to any change.
Using the TCO you selected from the list above, which you felt was most relevant to your project this term, write an essay answer explaining how the change management you saw in one of your companies from your project this term followed or failed to follow the theory of success ingrained in the TCO you have selected.
State the #1 thing you think that companys change agent did which most contributed to the success or failure of the change and why that relates to the TCO you selected.
Include in the answer the name of the company you are discussing.
Explain/analyze why you think this way.
2. (TCOs A,E) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. 
Recall that external and internal pressures often impact implementation of change in companies. For this question, please write an essay answering these questions:
A. Define specific (at least 2 each) external and internal pressures that will (or did) affect the implementation of the changes in your two companies.(10 points)
B. Name two strategies of handling these pressures that you would (have) suggested to the company leaders as being the most effective in managing those pressures during the implementation phase. (10 points)
C. Defend your positions with details about why you feel your strategies would assist with handling these pressures. (15 points) (Points : 35)
3. (TCOs E,H) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response.
You will assess the sustainability of the changes which occurred in the companies you studied. Select ONE of the company change programs for your answer to this question and state it here. Assess the change project. Was it successful or unsuccessful in your opinion? What will it take (what are some steps the company can, should, or DID take) to make it SUSTAINABLE? What theories did you consider in coming to this conclusion? Do you think this change will still be in place in one, five, or ten years? Why or why not?(Points : 35)
4. (TCO All) This question does not address your course project. This change scenario is envisioned instead, for this question. First, the scenario, and then the question.
Scenario: You have been asked to handle a project where the company is going to close the plant in your company and offer all of the workers an option of taking a buy-out severance package which is quite generous OR relocate to another state, where the business climate is much better (but the cost of living is higher and the style of living is lower). The current location of the company is in an area where people live well, the culture is great, and because it is in a college town, there are many fun things to do on weekends, plays to attend, sporting events, etc. The atmosphere is quite upbeat. The city where the company is moving to has very little in the way of entertainment, the housing costs are higher although not as nice, and property taxes are higher as well. The company is offering moving costs for relocation costs, but not house sale assistance. It is likely most of your employees are going to take the buy-out, but most of them are in their late 30s or early 40s and are not going to be happy about it.
The question: This term, we studied organizational development theory versus the more systematic nStep method of conducting a change process. What would be the pros/cons of using OD theory for this change project? What would be the pros/cons of using nStep? Which nStep would you recommend for this if you use one? Of the two methods (nStep or OD), which would you recommend we use for this particular change program? Why? (Points : 35)
5. (TCOs C,D) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. 

HRM 587 Final Exam Set 2:
TCO A: The organization is planning to make a substantial change to the compensation and benefits program for the next fiscal year. This change will impact all branches of the organization throughout the U.S. Eight thousand employees will be required to move from the very popular existing total rewards program to the new system. A compensation study determined that most employees will need updated position titles and salary bands.
A.Compile the change management imperatives that will go into making this a successful change project.
B. Construct a set of strategies that managers can use to help employees cope with complex change.
C. Persuade the managers involved in this change that the imperatives that you identified and the strategies to help employees cope with change will help them manage the complex realities of this change project. (Points: 30)
TCO B: You are the Director of Change Management, and it is expected that you can read the corporate change tea leafs and have a model for change and an approach to plan change when the need arises.
A.Construct a model of change that reflects the reality of change in modern organizations and reflects your beliefs about change.
B. Think of an organizational change that you believe should be implemented in an organization where you work now, or one you worked for in the past. Create a plan to implement change by integrating your change model.
C. Plan a system to measure how your model will impact the organization.
TCO C: Put this scenario into the context of an organization where you work now or did in the past. Your organization has recently (past two months) hired a new VP of Marketing and she is trying to understand the various types of changes that might impact the organization in the future. This is important to know, as it is hard to develop a strategic vision for the Marketing Department without first considering how things might look in the future.
A.Evaluate the various types of change pressure that might impact the organization in terms of: (a) staffing levels, and (b) corporate branding.
B. You are further asked to compile a list that compares each potential force for change to the stability of the organization.
C. Speculate as to why some of these potential pressures on organizations to change do not impact all organizations in the same way. (Points: 30)
TCO D: As the change expert for the State Department of Natural Resources in a large state with thousands of acres of forests, lakes, and wildlife, you learn that the legislature voted to privatize the entire department in order to save money and help reduce state and local taxes. It is entirely possible that some current government agency employees could be hired to work as civilian employees of the private company.
A.Appraise the cultural impact of this change on the employees who will move from government to private sector employment.
B. Speculate on the changes that will come to the strategic behaviors of the new privatized organization compared to the government organization.
Propose a plan that will help bring alignment between former government employees and the new strategy that they will have to work within. (Points: 30)
TCO E: The organization is going through sweeping changes that will lead to layoffs and a situation where several managers will now be reporting to their former direct reports.
A.Compose a likely set of reasons why people will resist this change.
B. Appraise the most effective and least effective strategies for overcoming the resistance to the change identified in the scenario.
C. Devise a plan to implement the most effective approaches to reducing change resistance. (Points: 30)
TCO F: There are many approaches to diagnosing change in an organization. In the end, the change agent must use the best practices of various models of diagnosis and apply them to the organization.
A. Appraise two approaches to diagnosing organizational change, pointing out what works and what does not work in effective organizational diagnosis.
B. Construct your own version of an effective diagnostic model using the best elements of other models. Be specific about the components of the model you create.
C. Create a strategy that will measure the effectiveness of your diagnostic model. (Points: 30)
TCO G: It’s no secret that having a vision for change and being able to communicate the change project are critical to success. However, that all requires a communication plan. Assume that you are working on a change project and need to design a solid communication plan.
A. Help yourself by generating a checklist of key attributes of a good change communication plan.
B. Then, compose an example change communication using an appropriate scenario.
C.Finally, formulate a methodology to measure the success of your communication plan. (Points: 30)

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