Wednesday 2 November 2016

MGMT 410 Human Resource Management Complete Course Week 1 to 7 Devry

MGMT 410 Human Resource Management 

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Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 1

The Purpose of HRM (Graded)
What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?
(Please remember that proper APA citation is required for ALL course work, including our discussions. This means that any material you borrow from the Internet, our textbook, or any other source MUST be set in quotation marks and the source noted. Then you MUST add your own thoughts and ideas to the borrowed material. Borrowed material must never dominate a student’s work.)
Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 2
Functions of HRM (Graded)
What are the four basic HRM functions? How exactly do these functions assist the organization in reaching its goals?
MGMT 410 Week 1 Assignment:
 Strategic Linkages Assignment (550 Words)

Week 2

Week 2: The Legal and Ethical Context – Discussion 1

EEO Laws (Graded)
Class, since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, more employment legislation in the area of equal employment opportunity (EEO) has become the law of the land. Pick one of the following acts and tell us its major provisions. What does it cover, when was it passed, and who does it protect?
Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) -Pregnancy Discrimination Act -Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
(Do not forget proper citation—both quotation marks AND the source if you utilize borrowed material in your posts. And then add your own thoughts, ideas, and examples. Your post should NOT consist solely of the employment legislation facts.)
Week 2: The Legal and Ethical Context – Discussion 2
Privacy and Technology (Graded)
E-mail, voicemail, and Internet usage are common in today’s workplaces. Should your employer know the contents of your communications and the websites you visit if these things occur at work? Why or why not?
MGMT 410 Week 2 Assignment:.
Case Study; Off-the-Job Behaviors (800 Words) 

Week 3

Week 3: Staffing the Organization – Discussion 1

Job Analysis (Graded)
What contribution, if any, does job analysis make to the human resource activities in your organization? Explain your answer using specific examples
Week 3: Staffing the Organization – Discussion 2
Recruitment and Selection (Graded)
What are some ways in which effective recruitment and selection activities can help an organization gain a competitive advantage? What are some best practices in recruitment and selection activities that can help an organization gain a competitive advantage?
MGMT 410 Week 3 Assignment:
Web Exercise; Understanding Job Analysis (1100 Words)

Week 4

Week 4: Training and Development – Discussion 1
Employee Orientation (Graded)
What is the purpose of new employee orientation? Do you think it is necessary for a company to offer a formal orientation program for new employees, or is it better to leave this job to the individual’s supervisor?Explain your answer
Week 4: Training and Development – Discussion 2
Career Management (Graded)
Who is responsible for managing employees’ careers? The employees themselves, their supervisors, HR, or the organization?What do you think?

MGMT 410Week 4 Midterm Exam  Set 1
  1. (TCO 1) HRM typically provides which of these types of training to temporary employees?
  2. (TCO 1) How has technology changed HRM practices?
  3. (TCO 2) Jonathan, a VP for Human Resources, is evaluating the extent to which the hiring and employment practices in his organization are in compliance with federal and state laws. Which type of external influences that impact HRM is Jonathan considering?
  4. (TCO 2) To assist the organization in its strategic direction, which of the following must an HRM manager not do?
  5. (TCO 3) Significant equal employment (civil rights) legislation includes all of the following except:
  6. (TCO 3) If you were Vice-President of Human Resources for a large organization, how could you find out if disparate impact was occurring in your organization?
  7. (TCO 3) All of these statements about the 1991 Civil Rights Act are accurate except:
  8. (TCO 4) The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires all of the following except:
  9. (TCO 4) All of the following actions are suggested to help managers discipline more effectively by helping employees focus on their behavior and how to improve it except the following:
  10. (TCO 4) Carol was forced to take a lie detector test about a workplace violence incident. During the course of questioning, she became very upset and emotional. Carol asked the questioner to stop. He refused to discontinue the test. What action can be taken?
  11. (TCO 5) During a job analysis, which of these tasks are performed?
  12. (TCO 5) Brad is comparing various job analysis methods. He is looking for the best job analysis method. As a consultant, you advise Brad that he should choose
  13. (TCO 5) Job descriptions are written statements of:
  14. (TC0 6) Mark, an Information Technology specialist for a large firm, is at a party with some friends from college. He runs into Duffy, a fellow computer science major, and asks, Why don’t you come to work with us? You were at the top of the class in school…………?
  15. (TCO 6) A good recruiting program is indicated by which of the following?
  16. (TCO 6) Youan, a recruiter, is trying to identify the different constraints that may impact his recruiting efforts. Which of the following is not a major constraint on recruiting efforts?
  17. (TCO 7) Which of these steps may be performed after a conditional job offer is made to an applicant?
  18. (TCO 7) All of the following would be likely to cause the HR person to remove an applicant from the pool during the initial screening of the selection process except
  19. (TCO 7) What advice does your text give to organizations that want to use employment testing………?
  20. (TCO 8) Training should be performed in which of these situations?
  21. (TCO 8) Which of the following is not true regarding a learning organization?
  22. (TCO 8) The andragogical model of teaching makes assumptions of the learner except the following:
  23. (TCO 9) Mark had an internship as an undergraduate in a regional planning office that confirmed his major in Economics. He went on to law school and today is starting a job in a real estate development firm. He arranges his desk, looks at his parking and employee identification cards, shines……….
  24. (TCO 9) Millie attended her college reunion. She told her former roommate about work during the last year. She continued to work for her employer of 30 years, now finally realizing she doesn’t have………….
  25. (TCO 9) A deliberate mentor process for management development provides all of the following advantages to an organization except
  26. (TCO 3) Sexual harassment occurs between two people only. The company should not be held liable for the actions of a few wayward supervisors. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.
  27. (TCO 9) Do you think a person’s age and career stage evolve together? Why or why not?
  28. (TCO 7) “Even though interviews have been widely criticized, they are heavily used.” Discuss why this selection device still rates very highly when it is known that it can provide unreliable information.

MGMT 410 Midterm Exam Set 2

  1. (TCO 1) One of the implications of technology in HRM is
  2. (TCO 1) All of these are workforce diversity characteristics, except
  3. (TCO 2) Organizations are oftentimes looking for ways to reduce operation costs. One option that is considered is selecting a consulting firm to provide training programs, private staffing agencies to perform recruiting and selection activities, and a financial organization to handle benefits. This option…….:
  4. (TCO 2) The ABC manufacturing plant has outsourced all HR functions for a group of workers. This is an example of
  5. (TCO 3) A consequence of an employment practice that results in a greater rejection rate for a minority group than for a majority group is
  6. (TCO 3) Under Title VII, the second defense against discriminatory charges is
  7. (TCO 3) Which of the following laws extended leave for family matters?
  8. (TCO 4) Reagan has worked for 22 years at a 20-employee branch of a large auto parts chain. Business has been very bad lately, and there are rumors of consolidation, reorganization, and even bankruptcy. What protection is Reagan given under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act?
  9. (TCO 5) When a job analyst watches employees directly or reviews films of workers on the job, which analysis method is being used?
  10. (TCO 4) Which of the following is not one of the guidelines for administering discipline?
  11. (TCO 5) This job analysis method requires job incumbents to record their daily activities.
  12. (TCO 5) Where does job analysis occur in the strategic planning process?
  13. (TCO 6) Jane is the director of recruiting for a large corporation. Which of the following is a warning signal that her efforts are not effective?
  14. (TCO 6) A good recruiting program is indicated by which of the following?
  15. (TCO 6) Which is not a step in the selection process?
  16. (TCO 6) Which of the following is a recruitment alternative that keeps employees longer than temporary employees and are employed by a firm.
  17. (TCO 7) In the selection process, a background examination should occur after
  18. (TCO 7) An activity included in pre-employment testing that creates a miniature replica of a job is alled
  19. (TCO 7) Which option is designed to probe areas not easily addressed by the application form or tests?
  20. (TCO 8) Which is not an on-the-job training method?
  21. (TCO 8) What is an employee development method that involves exercises such as case studies, decision games, and role plays?
  22. (TCO 8) Shannon is in line for a senior vice president position at a large hotel conglomerate. She has just received a letter appointing her to the national environmental task force for water and electricity conservation. What is happening to her career?
  23. (TCO 9) Hector is a research scientist in a large company. He refuses to go to staff meetings but volunteers to attend conventions where he receives recognition for his accomplishments. He holds 17 patents (more than two for each year he has been with his company, and they are proudly displayed on his office wall), but will not work with his manager on quarterly goals. What is Hector’s Holland vocational preferences type?
  24. (TCO 9) Sarah has had continuous movement in performance and promotion. She now wants to be vice president of human resources by the time she’s 34 to 40 years old. Her next goal is to be CEO by the time she’s 55 after being VP. However, she seems to be just holding on to the VP position. She is at what career stage?
  25. (TCO 9) Melissa prefers solitary work to large groups, asking questions rather than answering them, and making her own rules instead of following others. What Holland vocational preference model best represents her?
  26. (TCO 3) Explain the need for equal employment opportunity laws in organizations. How has it impacted HRM? Defend your position.
  27. (TCO 7) Explain the benefits of online recruiting.
  28. (TCO 8) You have just been promoted at the BBB Company and now have the responsibility of the employee orientation program. What components should be covered in the program? Explain what would be covered in your employee orientation program.

Week 5

Week 5: Maintaining High Performance – Discussion 1
Performance Appraisals (Graded)
Describe two different performance appraisal methods. What performance appraisal tool do you find to be the most effective? Why do you feel this way?
Week 5: Maintaining High Performance – Discussion 2
Pay Systems (Graded)
Is it important for companies to have a structured, formalized pay system as opposed to a subjective method of supervisors determining individual pay increases? Why or why not?
MGMT 410 Week 5 Assignment:
Simulation; JVA Corporation (550 Words)

Week 6

Week 6: Employee Benefits and Worker Safety – Discussion 1
Benefit Packages (Graded)
What are some of the key issues facing businesses today in terms of continuing to offer a competitive benefits package? What are companies doing to control costs in this area?
Week 6: Employee Benefits and Worker Safety – Discussion 2
Health and Safety (Graded)
Discuss the key responsibilities of both the employer and the employee for making the workplace healthier and safer. Be sure to explain your answer from both perspectives.
MGMT 410 Week 6 Assignment:
Case Study; A Perky Way to Productivity (800 Words)

Week 7

MGMT 410 Week 7: Labor-Management Environments – Discussion 1
Labor Laws (Graded)
Review the major laws affecting labor-management relations in the textbook. Based on your review, what are the pros and cons of labor unions for employees?What are the pros and cons for employers?
MGMT 410 Week 7: Labor-Management Environments – Discussion 2
“Why We Hate HR” Article (Graded)
Read the “Why We Hate HR” article located in the DeVry Online Library (instructions for access to the article are in Doc Sharing). In the article, Keith Hammond raises a number of criticisms of human resource departments and human resource professionals.What are your thoughts on the points raised by Hammond? Is this article a fair evaluation of the state of HR in contemporary organizations?Why or why not? Defend your position.
MGMT 410 Week 7 Assignment:
Case Study; Collective Bargaining at West University (1300 Words)

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