Wednesday 2 November 2016

HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Complete Course Week 1 to 7 Devry

HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Complete Course 

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Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1: Nature of Negotiation in the World
Case Study: Noisy Neighbors (Graded)
Linda and Larry are angry because their new neighbors in the apartment complex, Dale and Donna, seem to hold late-night parties every Thursday. Linda and Larry both have long work days that require them to rise early and remain alert all day. Linda and Larry have asked Dale and Donna to keep the noise down on Thursday nights and conclude their parties by midnight. Dale and Donna have ignored their requests. Linda and Larry have reached their boiling point, and have decided to call the police this Thursday if the party goes on beyond midnight.
Given this scenario, how have Linda and Larry handled the conflict thus far? What should they do now?
Some negotiating is “interest-based”, and some is “rights based”.  What determines which approach is better and which approach is least costly? When is “active avoidance” appropriate?
Week 1 DQ 2: Nature of Negotiation in the World
Case Study: Sick Leave (Graded)
Read Case 9, “Sick Leave”, in the back section of your text.
After reading the case, identify and explain the conflict that occurred, how it occurred, how it could have been avoided, and what Kelly and the other ALTs should do now.   What questions in the Personal Bargaining Inventory (located in the Appendix of the text) are more highly valued by Kelly as a matter of cultural influence, and which are more highly valued by Mr. Higashi? Given your own scoring on the Personal Bargaining Inventory, how well would you have likely handled the situation if you were Kelly?
Week 1 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 1 Assignment; Personal Bargaining Inventory Answer Worksheet 

Week 2 

Week 2 DQ 1:
Pre-negotiation Planning and Differences
What is Framing & Why Should I do It? (Graded)
To what extent does the way you frame a problem influence the outcome of negotiation?
Can you change your frame once negotiations begin? Can you have more than one frame?
What if the other side frames the problem differently than you do? Provide examples from you own experience in answering these questions.
Week 2 DQ 2:
Pre-negotiation Planning and Differences
Movie Night – Personality & Negotiation (Graded)Have you seen the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding? We will analyze the role of personality in shaping the negotiation style of the characters in this film. If you haven’t seen this movie, you should still be able to participate in this thread (required and graded) by responding to other students’ posts, and you may bring in scenes from other films as long as the focus is on the “communication competence” of the characters in the situations presented. What do you remember about these scenes?
Week 2 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 2 Assignment; Field Analysis

Week 3

Week 3: Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining
Seeing Things My Way (Graded)
In a distributive bargaining situation, how do I get the other party to go along?
When is selective presentation an effective negotiating technique, and when does it become an exercise in bad faith?Provide examples from your own experience.
Week 3 DQ 2: Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining
Winning at Win-Lose (Graded)
Should I open “high”, and should I concede anything? How firm should my final offer be? If I commit to a position, can I walk away from it? What do I do if the other party plays hardball? Use examples from your own experience.
Week 3 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 3 Assignment; Negotiation Analysis Course Project Proposal 

Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1
Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation
Why Integrative Bargaining? (Graded)
What makes integrative bargaining different from distributive bargaining, and how do I identify the issues to be negotiated in integrative bargaining?
What are the different kinds of interests that need to be identified by each of the negotiators?
What are the factors in integrative negotiation that make it difficult to achieve an agreement?
Provide examples from your own experience.

Week 4 DQ 2
Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation
Finding Alternative Solutions (Graded)
One technique often used in an integrative negotiation is to generate alternative solutions to problems or issues being negotiated.
How do I generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated?
How do I evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them?
Provide examples from your own experience.

Week 4 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 4 Assignment; Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial 

Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1
Communication, Bias, Managing Difficulties & Individual Approaches
You Just Don’t Understand (Graded)
What are the major perceptual errors? Why do they occur? What are some cognitive biases, and what can we do to manage them in the negotiation process?
What steps can we take to improve communication between the parties in negotiation, and what are some fatal mistakes to avoid?
Provide examples from your own experience and from your answers to the “Communication Competence” questionnaire.

Week 5 DQ 2
Communication, Bias, Managing Difficulties & Individual Approaches
Impasse- What Happened? (Graded)
We’re at an impasse. What led us to this statement?
If I get angry, can I get even?
If I don’t get angry, how can I just walk away from the negotiation?
If I don’t walk away, how do we break the impasse? Should I issue an ultimatum? 
Why are some people so difficult? Should I try to bring a difficult person to his/her senses, or to his/her knees?
Use examples from personal or business experience or from outside reading.

Week 5 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 5 HW Assignment; Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation 

Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1
Group Negotiation, Difficult Situations and Third Party Approaches
Negotiating With Relationships (Graded)
What are the major social factors in negotiation?
Who are the possible parties? How are they different, and how does this affect the negotiation? 
What are “fundamental relationship forms” and the characteristics of each?
What is more important when negotiating within relationships: trust or justice? Are some forms of trust better? How can one increase trust? 
Provide examples from your experiences and incorporate your answers from “The Trust Scale” questionnaire.

Week 6 DQ 2
Group Negotiation, Difficult Situations and Third Party Approaches
Forming & Managing Multi-Party Coalitions (Graded)
How do coalitions get started, and how do they grow?
What is a “bedfellow” and a “fence sitter”?
What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multi-party coalition? What are the strategies that you can implement to effectively manage the different stages of multi-party negotiations (pre-negotiation and formal negotiation)?

Week 6 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 6 Assignment; You Decide Worksheet

Week 7 

Week 7 DQ 1
Applying Leverage and Ethics in Negotiation
Power in Negotiations (Graded)
What is power? How does one acquire power, and what is the best kind of power to have?
How do I influence someone with power and make sure that my message gets through?
How do I preserve the power that I have (I like having it), and how do I resist other people’s attempts to influence me?
Use examples from personal or business experience and from the “Influence Tactics Inventory” questionnaire.

Week 7 DQ 2
Applying Leverage and Ethics in Negotiation
Your Lying and Cheating Ways (Graded)
Isn’t this “ethics” business all about not lying and cheating?
If other people do it (and they’ll do it to me), shouldn’t I be doing it to them? Where does effectiveness come into play?
Who is more unethical: Men or women? Younger folks or older folks? Experienced negotiators or inexperienced ones? The highly educated or the not so educated? Sociology majors or business majors? Are some nationalities/cultural groups/personality types more likely to lie and cheat in negotiations?
After taking an ethics course, will I be a more ethical negotiator? If not, how can I deal with the other party’s deceptions (that scoundrel!)?
In answering these questions, incorporate your answers from the SINS II Scale questionnaire.

Week 7 Assignment:
HRM 595 Week 7 Assignment; Negotiation Analysis Paper (Course Project Final Draft)

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