Wednesday 2 November 2016

MGMT 340 Business System Analysis Complete Course & Final Exam Devry

MGMT 340 Business System Analysis Complete Course 

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Week 1

  • MGMT 340 Week 1 Project: Company Overview Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 2, Questions 1, 2, and 4
  1. How do information systems projects get started in organizations?
    2. How are organizational information systems related to company strategy?  How does strategy affect the information systems a company develops and uses?
    4. What do you think Jim’s next step would be?
  • MGMT 340 Week 1 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 1
1. Why is it important to use systems analysis and design methodologies when building a system? Why not just build the system in whatever way seems to be “quick and easy?” What value is provided by using an “engineering” approach?
8. How might prototyping  be  used  as  part  of the SDLC?
Chapter 2
3. In the section on choosing  off-the-shelf  software, eight criteria are proposed for evaluating alternative packages. Suppose the choice is between alternative  custom  software  developers rather  than  prewritten  packages.  What  criteria would  be  appropriate  to  select  and  compare among  competing  bidders  for  custom  development  of  an  application?  Define  each  of  these criteria.
4. How might the project team recommending an ERP design strategy justify its recommendation as compared with other types of design strategies?
  • MGMT 340 Week 1 : The Systems Development Environment – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 1)The information system includes all of the following EXCEPT
    2. Question : (TCO 1)The process of breaking the description of a system down into its smaller components best defines
    3. Question : (TCO 1) The extent to which a system or subsystem performs a single function defines
    4. Question : (TCO 1) A centralized database that contains all diagrams, forms and report definitions, data structure, data definitions, process flows and logic, and definitions of other organizational and system components best describes
    5. Question : (TCO 3) In which SDLC phase will the analyst study the organization’s current procedures and the information systems used to perform tasks?
    6. Question : (TCO 3) Priorities for systems and projects are deliverables for the
    7. Question : (TCO 3) A systems development methodology created to radically decrease the time needed to design and implement information systems best describes
    8. Question : (TCO 3) The practice of turning over responsibility of some or all of an organization’s information systems applications and operations to an outside firm is referred to as
    9. Question : (TCO 3) An organization should acquire software from in-house developers when
    10. Question : (TCO 3) Reusing software can

Week 2

  • MGMT 340 Week 2 Project: Planning and Selection SDLC Phase 1 Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 3, Questions 1, 2, and 3
1. What  qualities  might  Jim  possess  that  would make him a successful project manager?
2. How do you think Jim should respond to Ella’s implied pressure about the importance of the project to her?
3. What strategies might Jim employ to deal with a very  busy  team  member  such  as  Carmen Sanchez? 
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 4, Questions 1, 2, and 3
1. Look over the scope statement (PE Figure 4-1). If you  were  an  employee  at  Petrie’s  Electronics, would you want to work on this project? Why or why not?
2. If  you  were  part  of  the  management  team  at Petrie’s  Electronics,  would  you  approve  the project  outlined  in  the  scope  statement  in  PE Figure  4-1?  What  changes,  if  any,  need  to  be made to the document?
3. Identify a preliminary set of tangible and intangible costs you think would occur for this project and  the  system  it  describes.  What  intangible benefits do you anticipate for the system? 
  • MGMT 340 Week 2 Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet For NOVA
  • MGMT 340 Week 2 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 3
2. What are some sources of risk in a systems analysis and design project, and how does a project manager cope with risk during the stages of project management?
4. Suppose  that  you  have  been  contracted  by  a jewelry store to manage a project to create a new  inventory  tracking  system.  Describe your  initial  approach  to  the  project.  What should your first activity be? What information would you need? To whom might you need to speak?
Chapter 4
1. The economic analysis carried out during project identification and selection is rather superficial. Why is this? Consequently, what factors do you think tend to be most important for a potential project to survive this first phase of the life cycle?
6. Assuming monetary benefits of an information system  at  $85,000  per  year,  one-time  costs  of $75,000, recurring costs of $35,000 per year, a discount  rate  of  12  percent,  and  a  five-year time horizon, calculate the net present value of these costs and benefits of an information system.  Also  calculate  the  overall  return  on  investment  of  the  project  and  then  present  a break-even analysis. At what point does breakeven occur?
  • MGMT 340 Week 2 : Systems Planning and Selection – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 2)Which of the following is NOT a project management phase?
    2. Question : (TCO 2)Developing an understanding of the content and complexity of the project is the purpose of
    3. Question : (TCO 2) During which of the following project planning activities do you use the information regarding tasks and resource availability to assign time estimates to each activity in the work breakdown structure?
    4. Question : (TCO 2) The third phase of the project management process in which the plans created in the prior phases are put into action is
    5. Question : (TCO 2) The final phase of the project management process that focuses on bringing a project to an end is called
    6. Question : (TCO 2) Slack time is equal to
    7. Question : (TCO 2) A technique that uses optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic time to calculate the expected time for a particular task best defines
    8. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following is one of the three primary activities associated with identifying and selecting IS development projects?
    9. Question : (TCO 2) The ratio of the net cash receipts of the project divided by the cash outlays of the project, enabling trade-off analysis to be made between competing projects, is often referred to as
    10. Question : (TCO 2) A benefit derived from the creation of an information system that can be measured in dollars and with certainty is a(n)

Week 3

  • MGMT 340 Week 3 Project: Systems Analysis SDLC Phase 2 Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 5, Questions 1, 3, and 5
What do you think are the sources of the information Jim and his team collected? How do you think they collected all of that information?

3. If you were looking for alternative approaches for Petrie’s customer loyalty program, where would you look for information? Where would you start? How would you know when you were done?
5. Why  shouldn’t  Petrie’s  staff  build  their  own unique system in-house?
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 6, Questions 1 and 5
Are the DFDs in PE Figures 6-1 and 6-2 balanced? Show that they are, or are not. If they are not balanced, how can they be fixed?

5. Why is it important for the team to create DFDs if they are not going to write the actual system code themselves?
  • MGMT 340 Week 3 Data Flow Diagram
  • MGMT 340 Week 3 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 5
Question 1 and 3
Chapter 6
Q 8. Consider the DFD in Figure 6-20. (Page 180 of text). List three errors (rule violations) on this DFD. (5 points) 
Q 9. Consider the three DFDs in Figure 6-21 (Page 180 of text). List three errors (rule violations) on these DFDs. (5 points) 
  • MGMT 340 Week 3 : Determining System Requirements – Quiz
  • Question : (TCO 3)The impertinence characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements?
    Question : (TCO 3) Techniques developed to keep the analysis effort minimal, yet still effective include
    3. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following can be considered an advantage of open-ended questions?
    4. Question : (TCO 3) The analysis of documents can help you identify
    5. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is a true statement regarding JAD?
    6. Question : (TCO 4) Graphically representing the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and its environment and among components within a system refers to
    7. Question : (TCO 4) The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and outside the system, is called a
    8. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following would be considered when diagramming?
    9. Question : (TCO 4) An arrow on a data-flow diagram represents a(n)10. Question : (TCO 4) On a data-flow diagram, a rectangle with rounded corners represents a(n)

Week 4

  • MGMT 340 Week 4 Project: Systems Analysis SDLC Phase 2 Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 7
2. Again,  review  the  DFDs  you  developed  for  the Petrie’s Electronics case (or those given to you by your instructor). Use these DFDs to identify the attributes of each of the six entities listed in this case plus any additional entities identified in your answer  to  Question  1.  Write  an  unambiguous definition  for  each  attribute.  Then,  redraw  PE Figure  7-1 by  placing  the  six  (and  additional) entities  in  this  case  on  the  diagram  along  with their associated attributes
3. Using  your  answer  to  Question  2,  designate which attribute or attributes form the identifier for each entity type. Explain why you chose each identifier
4. Using your answer to Question 3, draw the relationships between entity types needed by the system. Remember, a relationship is needed only if the system  wants  data  about  associated  entity  instances. Give a meaningful name to each relationship. Specify cardinalities for each relationship and explain  how  you  decided  on  each  minimum  and maximum cardinality at each end of each relationship. State any assumptions you made if the Petrie’s Electronics  cases  you  have  read  so  far  and  the answers to questions in these cases do not provide the evidence to justify the cardinalities you choose. Redraw your final E-R diagram in Microsoft Visio
  • MGMT 340 Week 4 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 7
5. Consider the E-R diagram in Figure 7-20. Based on this E-R diagram, answer the following questions:
a. How  many  EMPLOYEES  can  work  on  a project?
b. What is the degree of the Used_on relationship?
c. Do any associative entities appear in this diagram? If so, name them.
d. How else could the attribute Skill be modeled?
e. What  attributes  might  be  attached  to  the Works_on relationship?
f. Could  TOOL  be  modeled  as  an  associative entity? Why or why not?
16. The owner of two pizza parlors located in adjacent towns wants to computerize and integrate sales  transactions  and  inventory  management within and between both stores. The point-of-sale component  must  be  easy  to  use  and  flexible enough  to  accommodate  a  variety  of  pricing strategies and coupons. The  inventory management,  which  will  be  linked  to  the  point-of-sale component,  must  also  be  easy  to  use  and  fast. The systems at each store need to be linked so that sales and inventory levels can be determined instantly for each store and for both stores combined. The owner can allocate $40,000 for hardware and $20,000 for software and must have the new system operational in three months. Training must be short and easy. Briefly describe three alternative systems for this situation and explain how each would meet the requirements and constraints.  Are  the requirements  and  constraints realistic? Why or why not?
17. Compare the alternative systems from Problem and Exercise 16 using the weighted approach demonstrated in Figure 7-19. Which system would you recommend? Why? Was the approach taken in this and Problem and Exercise 16 useful even for this relatively small system? Why or why not?
  • MGMT 340 Week 4 : Structuring Systems Requirements – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 5)Conceptual data modeling is typically done in parallel with other requirements analysis and structuring steps during
    2. Question : (TCO 5)On an entity-relationship diagram, a rectangle represents a(n)
    3. Question : (TCO 5) Vehicle identification number, color, weight, and horsepower best exemplify
    4. Question : (TCO 5) An attribute that can have more than one value for each entity instance is referred to as
    5. Question : (TCO 5) The number of entity types that participate in a relationship refers to
    6. Question : (TCO 5) A simultaneous relationship among instances of three entity types is a
    7. Question : (TCO 5) A relationship that the data modeler chooses to model as an entity type best defines
    8. Question : (TCO 6) During which of the following steps will you bring the current phase to a close, prepare a report and presentation to management concerning continuation of the project, and get ready to move the project into design?
    9. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following is a true statement regarding midrange alternatives?
    10. Question : (TCO 6) A good number of alternatives to generate is 

Week 5

  • MGMT 340 Week 5 Project: Systems Design SDLC Phase 3 Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 8, Questions 1–5
1. Using the guidelines from this chapter and other sources, evaluate the usability of the page design depicted in PE Figure 8-1.
2. Chapter 8 encourages the design of a help system early in the design of the human interface. How would you incorporate help into the interface as shown in PE Figure 8-1?
3. Describe  how  cookie  crumbs  could  be  used  in this system. Are cookie crumbs a desirable navigation aid for this system? Why or why not?
4. The page design depicted in PE Figure 8-1 links to an Order History page. Sketch a similar layout for the Order History page, following guidelines from Chapter 8.
5. Describe  how  the  use  of  template-based  HTML might be leveraged in the design of the “No Customer Escapes” system
  • MGMT 340 Week 5 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 8
3. Imagine the worst possible reports from a system.  What  is  wrong  with  them?  List  as  many problems as you can. What are the consequences of such reports? What could go wrong as a result? How  does  the  prototyping  process  help  guard against each problem?
4. Given the guidelines presented in this chapter, identify flaws in the design of the Report of Employees shown below. What assumptions about users and tasks did you make in order to assess this design? Redesign this report to correct these flaws.
  • MGMT 340 Week 5 : Systems Design – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 7) Which of the following is an example of a form?
    2. Question : (TCO 7)Which of the following is an example of a report?
    3. Question : (TCO 7)When designing a form or report, which of the following is a fundamental question?
    4. Question : (TCO 7) Commonly used methods for highlighting include
    5. Question : (TCO 7) Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text?
    6. Question : (TCO 7) Reversing the sequence of one or more characters in a field is called
    7. Question : (TCO 7) The sequence of interaction between a user and a system best describes a(n)
    8. Question : (TCO 7) Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding a relation?
    9. Question : (TCO 7) The process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures is referred to as
    10. Question : (TCO 7) A foreign key in a relation that references the primary key values of that same relation is referred to as a 

Week 6

  • MGMT 340 Week 6 Project: System Implementation and Operation SDLC Phase 4 Package
Petrie’s Electronics Case, Chapter 10, Questions 1–5
1. Why don’t information systems projects work out as planned? What causes the differences between the plan and reality?
2. Why is it important to document change requests? What happens if a development team doesn’t?
3. When a project is late, do you think that adding more people to do the work helps or not? Justify your answer.
4. What is the role of a pilot project in information systems analysis? Why do you think the Petrie’s team decided to do a pilot project before rolling out the customer loyalty system for everyone?
5. Information systems development projects are said to fail if they are late, go over budget, or do not contain all of the functionality they were designed to have. Is the customer loyalty program a failure? Justify your answer. If not, how can failure be prevented? Is it important to avert failure? Why or why not?
  • MGMT 340 Week 6 Project Close Out Report
  • MGMT 340 Week 6 Problems/Exercises
Chapter 10
1. Consider the reasons implementations fail. For at least three of these reasons, explain why this happens, if there is one (or more) type of implementation likely to minimize the occurrence, and if there is one (or more) type of installation more likely to induce failure for this reason
2. Two members of your project development team are disagreeing about the relative importance of training and documentation. Sam strongly believes that training is far more important because it will ensure the successful implementation of the information system and that the early usage is a positive experience. Pat encounters that the user documentation is far more important because its impact can help not only the current users, but also future users. Which do you think is right, and why?
5. Due to advances in technology and widespread computer literacy, many organizations use e-learning extensively to train employees. If you were managing a system implementation and had to train on a limited budget, you may find yourself choosing between e-learning or conducting face to face training with a subset of users who would then train their departments (called train the trainers). Which would you choose and why?
6. Is it good or bad for corporations to rely on vendors for computing support? List arguments both for and against reliance on vendors as part of your answer.
  • MGMT 340 Week 6 : Implementation Plan – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 9)The deliverables from the coding, testing, and installation processes include
    2. Question : (TCO 9)A testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer is referred to as
    3. Question : (TCO 9) The purpose of acceptance testing is to
    4. Question : (TCO 9) The organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one best defines
    5. Question : (TCO 9) Which of the following is a type of system documentation?
    6. Question : (TCO 9) A component of a software package or application in which training and educational information is embedded best defines
    7. Question : (TCO 9) Changes made to a system to evolve its functionality to changing business needs or technologies is referred to as
    8. Question : (TCO 9) Which of the following influences most of the costs associated with maintaining a system?
    9. Question : (TCO 9) An overall test plan is developed during
    10. Question : (TCO 9) The bringing together of all the programs that comprise a system for testing describes

Week 7

  • MGMT 340 Week 7 Project: System Implementation and Operation SDLC Phase 4 Package
Use Case Diagram
  • MGMT 340 Week 7 Problems/Exercises
Appendix A
1. The use-case diagram shown in Figure A-1 captures the Student billing function but does not contain any  function  for  accepting  tuition  payment  from students. Revise the diagram to capture this functionality.  Also,  express  some  common  behavior among two use cases in the revised diagram by using include relationships.
Appendix B
1. When should you use an Agile method, and when should you use an engineering-based method for developing a system? Support your answer.
  • MGMT 340 Week 7 : Alternative Analysis & Design Methodologies – Quiz
  1. Question : (TCO 8)Benefits of the object-oriented modeling approach include
    2. Question : (TCO 8)Referencing use-case modeling, an external entity that interacts with the system best defines
    3. Question : (TCO 8) On an use-case diagram, an actor can represent
    4. Question : (TCO 8) An entity that has a well-defined role in the application domain and has state, behavior, and identity defines
    5. Question : (TCO 8) A type of message in which the caller has to wait for the receiving object to finish executing the called operation before it can resume execution itself is a(n)
    6. Question : (TCO 8) Which of the following is the systems development era marked by a lack of documentation and development tools and by a high degree of dependence on the developer for the continued ongoing operation of the system he or she had created?
    7. Question : (TCO 8) The key principles of the Agile Methodologies include
    8. Question : (TCO 8) The Agile Software Development anarchists value
    9. Question : (TCO 8) Which of the following is a critical factor for distinguishing agile and traditional approaches to systems development?
    10. Question : (TCO 8) Which of the following is an eXtreme Programming advantage?

MGMT 340 Final Exam

Page 1
  1. (TCO 1) When developing information systems, an organization could use:
  2. (TCO 1) The practice of turning over responsibility of some or all of an organization’s information systems applications and operations to an outside firm is referred to as:
  3. (TCO 2) Identifying, assessing, and managing the risks and day-to-day changes that occur during a project best defines which of the following project manager activities?
  4. (TCO 2) Which of the following is NOT a project management phase?
  5. (TCO 2) Which of the following would be classified as an intangible cost?
  6. (TCO 2) The primary deliverable from the project identification and selection phase is:
  7. (TCO 3) The term that refers to systems development projects bogged down in an abundance of analysis work is:
  8. (TCO 3) Good interview guidelines consist of:
  9. (TCO 3) The search for, and implementation of, radical change in business processes to achieve breakthrough improvements in products and services best defines:
  10. (TCO 3) The purpose of requirements structuring is to:
  11. (TCO 4) The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and outside the system, is called a:
  12. (TCO 5) The number of instances of entity B that can (or must) be associated with each instance of entity A refers to:
  13. (TCO 6) Shaping alternative system design strategies involves:
  14. (TCO 7) Which of the following are general guidelines for displaying tables and lists?
  15. (TCO 7) Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text?
  16. (TCO 7) Reversing the sequence of one or more characters in a field is called:
  17. (TCO 8) A notation that allows the modeler to specify, visualize, and construct the artifacts of software systems, as well as business models, best defines:
  18. (TCO 8) Benefits of the object-oriented modeling approach include:
  19. (TCO 9) System documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time best defines:
  20. (TCO 9) User testing of a completed information system using simulated data refers to:
Page 2
  1. (TCO 1) Describe the role of a systems analyst.
  2. (TCO 2) Discuss the six major categories of feasibility.
  3. (TCO 3) Identify and describe the traditional methods for determining requirements.
  4. (TCO 4) What is gap analysis? Why is gap analysis useful?
  5. (TCO 5) Contrast data modeling to process modeling and logic modeling.
  6. (TCO 6) Suppose that an analysis team did not generate alternative design strategies for consideration by a project steering committee or client. What might the consequences be of having only one design strategy? What might happen during the oral presentation of project progress if only one design strategy is offered?
  7. (TCO 7) Describe the three-step process for designing dialogues.
  8. (TCO 8) What is meant by Agile Methodologies? Identify the three key principles that the Agile Methodologies share.
  9. (TCO 9) Describe four types of installation.
  10. (TCO 9) Describe four types of maintenance.

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