Wednesday 2 November 2016

HIST 405 United States History DQs,Quiz,Homework & Final Exam Devry

HIST 405 United States History All Discussions,Quiz and Homework 

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Week 1

Week 1 DQ 1 The Cost of Expansion
Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies. Why couldn’t colonists use indentured servants as they had in the past? How would you describe the differences between slaves and indentured servants? 
Week 1 DQ 2 Colonial Identities
The colonies of New England, the Mid –Atlantic and the Upper and Lower South developed their own forms of culture, conduct and commerce. Given the choice, where would you have preferred to live? 

Week 2

HIST 405 Week 2 DQ 1 The American Revolution
How did the British colonists evolve from good citizens to revolutionaries who could compose and back something as special as the Declaration of Independence? What were the causes of the American Revolution? 
HIST 405 Week 2 DQ 2 Confederation and Constitution
What were the main problems with the Articles of Confederation that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787? How did the national government under the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation? 
HIST 405 Week 2 Webliography
HIST 405 Quiz Week 2
  1. (TCO 4) What were encomiendas?(Points : 2)
  2. (TCO 1) Maryland was the only Southern colony(Points : 2)
  3. (TCO 1) Puritan leaders found Anne Hutchinson especially dangerous because she 
  4. (TCO 4) Why did English immigration to the colonies drop dramatically after 1660?
  5. (TCO 2) The French and Indian War was also called 

Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1 The Market Revolution
Discuss America’s transportation revolution that took place during the first half of the 1800s, including the development of roads, canals, railroads, and steamboats. How did they contribute to the “market revolution?” Elaborate.
Week 3 DQ 2 Manifest Destiny
Why did the Mexican War of 1846 take place? Was the war necessary? Was it a good thing? What does this war tell us about this period of American history? Was it God’s plan that the U.S. extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or were imperialists looking for a way to defend what they planned to do anyway? Elaborate. 

Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1 The Civil War
In the beginning, each side in the Civil War believed the war would be brief and that their side would win. What advantages did each side hold that made them feel this way? Elaborate. 
Week 4 DQ 2 Reconstruction
Lincoln had one plan for bringing the rebel states back into the Union; Andrew Johnson another; and the Radical Republican Congress a third. Discuss the aims of each president, and explain why and in what ways Congress took control of Reconstruction. 
HIST 405 Week 4 Assignment United States Constitution
Quiz Week 4
  1. (TCO 3) The assertion that states the right to disobey federal law was called 
  2. (TCO 3) The Waltham System 
  3. (TCO 1) The bloodiest slave uprising in U.S. history was 
  4. (TCO 3) By 1835, Texas was home to about 30,000 American settlers, known as 
  5. (TCO 3) James Polk 

Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1 America and the Industrial Revolution
Describe the basic industries of America’s Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry “robber barons,” as some suggested, or simply good businessmen? Explain your answer. 
Week 5 DQ 2 Imperialism and America
Discuss the events that drew the United States into World War I. To what extent did ethnicity play a role in America’s neutrality from1914-1917? How significant was America’s contribution to the war effort? Elaborate. 

Week 6

Week 6 DQ 1 The Great Depression
What were the underlying causes of the depression? Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since? Can you see any modern parallels to the Great Depression? Elaborate. 
Week 6 DQ 2 World War II
What were the underlying causes of World War II? Select one event that you think irrevocably led the world (and the U.S.) to war more than any other event. Argue your selection with details that support your answer. 
Week 6 Webliography 2
Quiz Week 6
  1. (TCO 10) Many immigrants came to the U.S. to avoid 
  2. (TCO 2) Some neighborhoods and even industries came to be associated with immigrants of a particular nationality because immigrants 
  3. (TCO 6) One justification for the new social and economic order of the North was based on 
  4. (TCO 10) How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire affect industrial reforms? 
  5. (TCO 6) Most U.S. casualties during the Spanish-American War were caused by 

Week 7

Week 7 DQ 1 The Cold War and America
How did the Cold War affect the social and political climate in the United States during the 1950s? In particular, how do you explain McCarthyism and the Red Scare? Can you think of any modern parallels to these events, when fear and paranoia threatened basic American liberties? Elaborate.
Week 7 DQ 2 Terrorism in the 21st Century
Discuss how you see the “war on terrorism” as of this date. Do you think the United States should be engaged in such a war? Give reasons for or against this war and whether or not we are giving up our own principles to wage it. 
Week 7 Assignment America and the Great War

Week 8 Final Exam

1. (TCO 4) The Spanish who settled in Florida and New Mexico were primarily 
2. (TCO 1) The Jamestown colony was established by 
3. (TCO 4) Why did English immigration to the colonies drop dramatically after 1660? 
4. (TCO 4) The Great Awakening led to 
5. (TCO 2) After Britain issued the Intolerable Acts, colonists punished anyone supporting British policies or officials by 

And More Questions & Answers …..

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