Tuesday 1 November 2016

BUSN 412 Course Guide Case Study,Assignment,Quiz & Youdecide Devry

BUSN 412 Course Guide Case Studies,Assignment,Quizzes & You decide

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Week 2 Quiz

1. Question : When developing forecasts, two key inputs that were discussed in the text are:
2. Question : _____________ tracks the evolution of environmental trends, sequences of events, or streams of activities.
3. Question : When we scan the general environment, we can identify information on:
4. Question : Gathering “competitive intelligence” _______________.
5. Question: When conducting environmental forecasting, we can say that it involves developing plausible projections about which of the following concerning environmental change?
6. Question: Which of the following is not a limitation of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats) analysis?
7. Question: Value chain analysis makes sure that the activities of an organization are divided into two major categories of value activities: primary and support. Choose a primary activity from among the following:
8. Question : Which one of the following can we say is included in inbound logistics?
9. Question : When assessing its primary activities, an airline company would most likely examine:
10. Question : Advertising is a __________ activity. Supply of replacement parts is a __________ activity.
11. Question: Explain how competitor intelligence can be improved by gathering information about competitors in the public domain. Provide examples.

Week 3 Case Study

This week, you will write a paper on Nintendo’s Wii (Textbook Case 35). In order to assist you in writing your case analysis, there are links to two Word documents that should be downloaded. The first link is to a case analysis report outline and grading guide. This guide should be followed exactly if you want a maximum score on your case analysis. The second Word document is a sample paper.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
See Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Week 3 Quiz

1. Question :Information technology, such as email, has increased in organizations over the years, which has helped to:
2. Question :The following characterizes the creation of knowledge assets:
3. Question : John Steele was asked to take over a project after the entire team left his organization. The term that describes his ability to reconstruct what the team had accomplished through reading emails exchanged by the previous team’s members can be considered:
4. Question : The following are examples of how intellectual property can be managed except:
5. Question : Dynamic capabilities include all of the following except:
6. Question : When there are few segments, the emphasis on process design is low, and the major functional areas of concern are general management and finance, this can be said to be the ____________ stage of the industry life cycle.
7. Question : When there is(are) ____________________, we should likely pursue a harvest strategy:
8. Question : During the decline stage of the industry life cycle, __________ refers to obtaining as much profit as possible and requires that costs be decreased quickly.
9. Question : Research shows that the following are all strategies used by firms engaged in successful turnarounds except:
10. Question : It can be said that during a turnaround, piecemeal productivity improvements do not involve:
11. Question : Use the value chain as a framework to explain how a firm can achieve a competitive advantage of overall cost leadership.

Week 4

Week 4 Quiz:

1. Question :A major trend in international developments includes:
2. Question : It can be said that the reasons that explain why some governments make better use of the inflows from foreign investment and know-how than others include all of the following except:
3. Question : The framework that Porter devised considers all of the following factors that affect a nation’s competitiveness except:
4. Question : When conditions of __________ consumer demand, __________ supplier bases, and __________ new entrant potential from related industries are evident, rivalry is intense in nations.
5. Question : According to Michael Porter, firms that have experienced intense domestic competition are
6. Question :It is true that there is a tremendous allure to __________. This is because it is considered the big play, the dramatic gesture, since with one stroke of the pen you can add billions to size, get a front page story, and create excitement in markets.
7. Question : When a firm offers to buy shares of their stock from a company (or individual) planning to acquire their firm at a higher price than the unfriendly company paid for it, this antitakeover tactic is called (a) __________ .
8. Question: An antitakeover tactic in which existing shareholders have the option to buy additional shares of stock at a discount to the current market price is called____________.
9. Question : The term “golden parachutes” refers to:
10. Question : Which one of the following is not considered an antitakeover tactic?
11. Question : Related diversification has what primary benefits and risks associated with it?

Week 5 Quiz

1. Question :In consideration that the “traditional” approach to strategic control is sequential, the following is not one of the steps in the sequence.
2. Question :The primary drawback of “traditional” strategic control systems is:
3. Question :The following is true for businesses facing complex and turbulent business environments:
Complacency about predetermined milestones can prevent adaptability
4. Question : Contemporary approaches to strategic control rely primarily on:
5. Question : Our text states that informational control systems ask:
6. Question: All of the following are examples of strategic actions a firm might take except:
7. Question :The best example of a tactical action that a company might use in response to a competitive attack is to:
8. Question :The following is not a factor that affects how a competitor will respond to a competitive attack:
9. Question: A situation where a company has a high concentration of its business in a particular industry’s market can be referred to as:
10. Question: The following argument is an example of ________________: A firm is considering a large price cut on its leading product as a way to gain market share. One executive strongly disagrees with the price cut and states, “We are in the same marketplace as our rivals, and we do not have any competitive advantages in our cost structure. If we cut prices, our competitors will likely do the same. The end result is that we will all make less money.”
11. Question : What is the role of opportunity recognition in the new venture development process?

Week 5 Case Study:

Case Study
This week you will write a paper on Southwest Airlines (Textbook Case 27). Read the case first. In order to assist you in writing your case analysis, there are links to two Word documents that should be downloaded. The first link is to a case analysis report outline and grading guide. This guide should be followed exactly if you want a maximum score on your case analysis. The second Word document is a sample paper.
See Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use theDropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

Week 6 You decide

Scenario, Your Role, Key Players
Click Here to View the You Decide Scenario
Click on the link to review the Scenario, Your Role and the Key Players involved in this scenario. When you have finished reviewing the You Decide scenario, please return here to finish the activity below.
Note: These activities will open in a new pop-up window, so you may need to disable any pop-up blockers.
Click Here to View the Transcript.
You are Betty. Based on the scenario above you should:
a. Explain to the bank exactly what is occurring at EZ.
b. Say nothing and continue the status quo.
c. Talk to Ryan and explain your concerns.
d. Give hints to the bank about EZ’s situation.
e. Attempt to cover up the problems and stall the bank’s auditors.
In Week 6, work individually, write a 2-3 page paper describing what, ethically speaking, you would do if faced with this scenario.
Submit your individual paper to the Week 6 Assignments Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. This is required but not graded. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Week 6 Quiz:

1. Question : Technical Computer Graphics uses small project teams and forms alliances with its teams, customers, and suppliers to accomplish projects. This is an example of ________________
2. Question : Organizations generally tend to become internally focused when faced with:
3. Question : All of the following except ___________ can be considered tools and techniques used to achieve effective coordination and integration of key activities in an organization.
4. Question : When______________, effective ambidextrous organizations have alignment.
5. Question : Effective ambidextrous structures, according to a study by O’Reilly and Tushman, had all of the following attributes except:
6. Question : It can be said that managers, when faced with ethical crises, should:
7. Question : ___________________is the only statement about ethical organizations that is false.
8. Question : Proactive measures to prevent organizational ethics problems include all of the following except:
9. Question : The statement “__________________” would least likely be found in a corporate credo.
10. Question : All of the following are elements of the Goolsby Leadership Model except:
11. Question : Briefly discuss three interdependent activities that are critical for effective leadership.

Week 7 You decide:

Scenario, Your Role, Key Players
Click Here to View the You Decide Scenario
Click on the link to review the Scenario, Your Role and the Key Players involved in this scenario. When you have finished reviewing the You Decide scenario, please return here to finish the activity below.
Note: These activities will open in a new pop-up window, so you may need to disable any pop-up blockers.
Click Here to View the Transcript.
You are Betty. Based on the scenario above you should:
a. Explain to the bank exactly what is occurring at EZ.
b. Say nothing and continue the status quo.
c. Talk to Ryan and explain your concerns.
d. Give hints to the bank about EZ’s situation.
e. Attempt to cover up the problems and stall the bank’s auditors.
In Week 7, work with your team, compose a 2-3 page team paper based on each of your individual answers describing what, ethically speaking, you would do if faced with this scenario.
Submit only one team paper to the Week 7 Assignments Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

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